The scariest demons in Chainsaw Man follow common human fears, such as the fear of knowing the future or the fear of guns. The gun devil is terrifying because of his ability to kill millions of people a day and his unique ability to influence situations even when he is not physically present. War Devil’s utter disdain for assembly and her ability to create chaos and destruction make her one of the most feared devils in the Chain Man universe.
There’s no shortage of scary demons in Chainsaw Man, the scariest being the realistic threats. From the whimsical to the surprising, the shocking to the macabre, Chainsaw Man is filled with some of the most gruesome demons in anime history.
Height isn’t the only key factor in the chainsaw man’s fearsomeness—though appearance does play a role in how intimidating the devil is to humans. The real measure of the devil’s horror is how deep and wide he reaches into the collective fear of humanity. While millions of people may fear guns, hundreds of millions more fear abstract concepts like punishment. The scariest demons in Chainsaw Man tap into these deep-rooted fears in surprising and terrifying ways.
10 The future devil
Manga Debut: Chapter #31
Knowing the future seems like a benefit worth any sacrifice, but the future proves a double-edged sword when the devil gives it. His scary appearance should be enough of a sign that knowing one’s future doesn’t mean all is well. Based on a “real-life” phobia known as anticipatory fear, the Devil of the Future promises to reveal a person’s future if they are afraid to touch the Devil’s will. As Aki Hayakawa found out, knowing how someone will die doesn’t mean you can change their fate.
9 Gun devil
Manga Debut: Chapter #75
It’s safe to say that few people are immune to the fear of guns, which gives the devil a huge reservoir of negative energy to thrive on. Gun Devil is a complete, mostly gun-based body, easily ranks among the monstrous devils on visual level alone. However, while the visage may not be enough to scare the living daylights out of someone, the talent certainly will.
At its peak, the gun devil could kill millions of people a day without breaking a sweat. He also has a unique ability to affect the situation even when he is not physically present – as the skin like a bullet casing constantly flows through his work. These issues constantly attract each other and serve as a sort of Gun Devil Reincarnation.
8 War devil
Manga Debut: Chapter #98
In this age where nations go to war for any reason, war reigns supreme. War, one of the oldest fears known to mankind, is an ancient force that the devil knows how to survive. Chainsaw Man, a mysterious member of the Four Horsemen’s Sisterhood who wants to sideline the Chainsaw Devil, is one of the few who can kill the War Devil. At the moment, Asa is not at her full strength holding Mitaka, but she is still scared.
It is her disdain for convention that makes the war devil so appalling. There is no law, convention, or custom that governs the war devil, especially if he tries to save her from killing, destruction, and pain. She is the real unknown in Satan’s world – and the chaos she creates is one of the most terrifying endings Satan can arrange.
7 Blasphemy the devil
Manga Debut: Chapter #24
The Cursed Devil, as his name suggests, is one of those devils who derives his power from the widespread fear of curses. At first glance, summoning supernatural power over another seems like a very powerful ability. However, the devil is really in the details. First, a user must stab the target three times with a nail-like device to manifest a cursed devil. Second, while success at the first level may result in summoning a cursed devil, the cost to summon is always the user’s life years off. One of the most hideous physical appearances makes Chainsaw Man one of the scariest demons.
6 Falling devil
Manga Debut: Chapter #122
While the Four Horsemen may be some of the most powerful demons, even the Chainsaw Man’s primary fear demons—or demons based on innate fears built into each person, such as the fear of falling—don’t need to come out of Hell to strike fear. The human heart. Brutals and little devils are also afraid of them. The fallen devil is included in this group and the fear of falling is so widespread that she is considered immortal. The most terrifying thing about the falling devil is the mental effect it has on people. At any time, the Falling Devil can revive the opponent or cause them to “fall back” into a previously tragic, disappointing, or traumatic event. This leads the person to lose focus or become depressed to the point of giving up all hope. When this happens, the victim is placed at the mercy of the fallen devil.
5 Chainsaw Devil
Beginning of Manga: Chapter #1
The Chainsaw Devil is not something most people think or know at the beginning of the series. Accordingly, his level of horror should, intuitively, be on the lower end of the spectrum. However, the fear that the Chainsaw Devil creates is largely within the Devil community. As such, being the greatest fear of some of the universe’s most evil and hated eggs means that he has significant horror, even if it’s not for humans. The fear that Chainsaw Man instills in demons is his ability to literally wipe them out of existence. As long as demons exist, Chainsaw Man is a threat to their ranks.
4 Hungry devil
Manga Debut: Chapter #81
Despite being a recent addition to the Chainsaw Man cast, Hungry Devil is very powerful. As one of the Four Horsemen’s Sisterhood, the Hunger Devil’s presence guarantees that the greatest pain and despair will be felt by all concerned. Her power to control everyone’s hunger, including Satan, and everyone’s natural fear of not having enough food to survive is terrifying. Few would dispute her abilities, which give her a god-like influence in the Chainsaw Man universe. Hungry Devil is one of the few devils who are not afraid of the Chainsaw Man. In fact, she wants to tempt him to give him a chance to eat his heart.
3 The spirit of the devil
Manga Debut: Chapter #25
One of the most terrifying aspects of any horror story is the smiling, benevolent monster. They draw people in and make them think they are safe until they realize the monster is actually an evil person. The ghost devil takes this phenomenon to the next level by manifesting herself in a smiling mother-like form, causing the victims to temporarily let down their guard as he devours his prey. Moreover, like ghosts, drawing on the fear of their victims, ghost devils tend to appear suddenly and unexpectedly – to intimidate people into submission.
2 Dark devil
Manga Debut: Chapter #64
As his counterpart – the Falling Devil, the Dark Devil is the main devil. His power is based on the normal human fear of the dark, which gives him godlike abilities. What scares the dark devil is his ability to control the darkness. In an instant, it can turn any lighted area instantly dark. That ability raises the fear level of the person it encounters. Moreover, after being covered with darkness, the devil of darkness completely reigned over the area. He can use his energy abilities to attack his target with devastating strength.
1 Control the devil
Beginning of Manga: Chapter #1
As revealed by Makima in Chainsaw Man: Part 1, the Overlord Devil is arguably the most prominent devil in the saga aside from Chainsaw Man himself. Another member of the Chainsaw Man’s Four Horsemen sisterhood, the Control Devil’s high power levels are beyond dispute. She single-handedly brought the chainsaw devil to grips and control.
Apart from her controlling power, it is her vision and thinking that terrifies the controlling devil. As seen with Demise of Power, the controlling devil can literally kill targets without sight and at the snap of a finger. Not much defense for that. Second, her long-term intelligence is terrifying as a link to Palpatine, because no matter what one does, Makima is bound to launch an effective counterattack that ends in the defeat of her enemies.
All demons are terrifying in Chainsaw Man. As long as people have fear, the demons of the series have power and reign supreme. However, based on the fear they inspire, Chainsaw Man proves that some demons are scarier than others, and with good reason. The most terrifying demons in Chainsaw Man are so terrifying that even the possibility of facing one is pure fantasy.
Chainsaw Man is now available from Manga Plus.
Read on Manga Plus

The chainsaw man
Official date: 2022-10-11
take on Ryan Colt Levy, Feruz Ai, Sarah Wiedenheft, Susie Yung, Regan Murdoch.
Genres: Animation, action, horror
Seasons: 1
Story by: Tatsuki Fujimoto
Writers: Tatsuki Fujimoto
Streaming service All