It was revealed that 4 people died on the covers of Spiderman and Alpha Flight


Four covers of Spider-Man and Alpha Flight announced their deaths in

Death, whether natural or due to illness or the current villain’s attack, is very common in supercomics. However, depending on the importance of the character, his death may create little anticipation or be considered enough to inform readers on the cover of the comic in question.

Next, in chronological order, we’ll review the four deaths that occurred in two Spiderman comics and two other Alpha Flight comics as warned on their respective covers, although we don’t make it clear who they are.

This comic is undoubtedly a good example of the one mentioned at the beginning of the article because the dead people on the cover are about the adventure The Night Gwen Stacy Dies, with Jerry Conway’s scripts and Gill’s drawings. Ken, from The Goblin’s Last Stand! Published with, thanks to the same creative team, in the following issue, it became one of the best Marvel comics not only of Spiderman in his career.

J. Not Jonah Jameson, not Harry Osborn, not Norman Osborn (who was blamed for the murder and destined to die in the next issue), not Mary Jane Watson, not Fash Thompson, not May Parker, not Joe Robertson, not Randy Robertson. The death predicted by Spiderman was Gwen Stacy without revealing who it was on the cover, as we have previously commented on several occasions.

Although the young woman returned to the pages of the comics in the form of a clone, thanks to the work of Professor Miles Warren, who was called the brutal Jackal, nothing prevented the murder of Gwen Stacy from being one of the most shocking deaths. By Marvel.

Alpha Flight, Muertes, The Amazing Spider-Man

The story…and someone will surely die, written, illustrated and written by John Byrne, must also be included in this list of deaths announced on the cover, as we read, because Alpha Flight lost one of its members, but it is not known about Shaman, or Aurora, or North Star, or Puck, Not Snowbird, or Sasquatch, but the leader of the group, Guardian, dies when he can’t get his clothes off in time, before it explodes.

John Byrne confirmed that no one in the group was invincible, and therefore the entire airborne group was outnumbered, or that they all had a chance of dying, even if they were the leader of Alpha Flight. However, over the years, John Byrne’s original mission is thwarted when the Guardian is revealed to be undead, as the explosion transports him into an alternate reality.

Alpha Flight, Muertes, The Amazing Spider-Man

In honor of the team’s debut, in the twelfth edition of the second volume of Alpha Flight, under the title H, Steve Siegel and Duncan Rowley decided to repeat the formula. The cover announced that we are candidates for Flex, Radius, Guardian, Murmur, Puck, Vindicator and Sasquatch, who actually dies in this comic, although it should be clarified that the creature is not the real Walter Langkowski. , was captured by Department H, to make the rest of the team believe that he was the real Sasquatch under the influence of the mutation.

Despite the creature’s terrifying appearance and weak mind, it saves Radius’ life and prevents him from being released by the same substance.

However, in the comic, we see more deaths as General Jeremy Clarke, Department H, becomes one more victim of an attack by a group of villains called the Zodiac. As if this was not enough, at the end of the comic, the Vindicator seems to die in a similar way to how the Guardian died in the previous volume, although, in this case, the fatal event can be avoided.

Alpha Flight, Muertes, The Amazing Spider-Man

Before I finish my review of the Dead on Comic Book Covers, it’s worth explaining that if you’re a Spider-Man reader but not up-to-date, this is the time to stop reading this article. With that point cleared, let’s move on.

In this case, in a dead tongue adventure. Episode 6, directed by Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr., is about Mary Jane Watson, or Paul Jeremiah Rabin, or Norman Osborn, or J.J. Jonah Jameson, or May Parker, or Black Cat, not about Captain America, not Human Torch, not Joe Robertson, not Randy Robertson, not The Beetle, not Tombstone, not White Rabbit, not Luke Cage, but Kamala Khan, especially the redhead known as Ms. Marvel, not Mary. Her name is Jane. Sacrifice in ritual.

However, we know that many deaths in the comics world are not final (or if not, ask the Guardian) so if we consider In 2022, Ms. Marvel will star in her own TV series, which will hit theaters soon. Along with Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel and Teyona Parrish’s Monica Rambeau, in the Marvels movie, maybe her death, like most deaths in the comics, is a temporary thing.