Discover the incredible story of how Final Fantasy VII inspired Baldur’s Gate

final fantasy baldur´s gate

Behind every famous hero and villain is a game that inspired them. Discover the incredible impact Final Fantasy VII had on Baldur’s Gate

Did you know Final Fantasy VII, the JRPG titan left an indelible mark on the western role-playing classic Baldur’s Gate? No, not a fan plot. It’s an icon of video game development and creative competitiveness that ignites the world.

James Olen and the game that changed Baldur’s Gate

Baldur’s Gate lead designer James Olen was looking for something more, missing from the game. And it was at that introspective moment that Interplay producer Dermot Clarke gave him a challenge. Have you played Final Fantasy VII? The words echoed in his mind until he regretted it and explored Cloud and Sephiroth’s world.

“I’m very competitive,” Ohlen said. I played Final Fantasy VII and I was like, ‘Oh my god, these characters make our characters look like cartoons. This is horrible.” This prompted BioWare to give life and depth to the characters in Baldur’s Gate. Some of them, like Jahera, have become icons that are still revered by fans today.

BioWare got to work. Inspired by iconic Final Fantasy VII characters like Cloud and Sephiroth, Baldur’s Gate transforms, captivating players with their complexity and depth. The influence of Square Enix’s epic was so powerful that BioWare had to reshape and reshape NPCs and their teammates.

It is interesting to know how each inheritance has evolved. While Square Enix continued to expand the Final Fantasy universe with a trilogy of remakes, James Ohlen changed direction. In the year After trying to retire in 2018, Wizards of the Coast tempted him back. As of 2020, he heads Archetype Entertainment, the WotC division working on a science fiction RPG.

Kenny Omega Sefirot Final Fantasy VII 3

The Digital Horizon: Final Fantasy Remake and Baldur’s Gate 3, gems of the future

The universe of video games continues to expand, and two titles, in particular, have been made to shine in this expanding space. Let’s talk about the anticipated launch of the second installment of Final Fantasy VII Remake in 2024 and the incredible success of Baldur’s Gate 3.

The release of the first part in 2020 has left fans of the Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy in doubt. When the second episode arrives in 2024, the world is eager to reunite with Cloud, Tifa, and the rest of the gang. Expectations are through the roof, especially after the cliffhanger where the first load ends. Square Enix holds in its hands not only the fate of popular characters, but also the hopes of millions of fans. This second installment is said to offer a bigger and deeper experience, truly harnessing the power of the new consoles.

Baldur's Gate 3 has 17,000 ending variations

Baldur’s Gate 3, on the other hand, emerged as an event. Since its release, this title has broken several sales records and received praise from critics and fans alike. Developed by Larian Studios, the game takes the essence of the classic role-playing game to new heights. Baldur’s Gate 3’s impact has reignited interest in role-playing games on PC and consoles, proving that the franchise still has a lot to offer.

Two Worlds, One Destiny These two titles, despite being sub-genres outside of RPGs, are charting the future of video games. Final Fantasy and Baldur’s Gate are more than just titles; They are legacies that continue to be written. And fans have a lot to look forward to and even more to learn about this future journey.