What if Marvel and Apple’s Vision Pro will be the first…? – Immersive story, the next level in exciting stories

what if

In the special case of…? Where are you the main character?

A new collaboration between Marvel Studios and ILM Immersive promises to change the way we experience stories. On May 30, 2024, what if…? – An immersive story will be released in Apple Vision Pro, a mixed reality that has attracted fans of advanced technologies since its launch at the beginning of the year.

Imagine being in the shoes of a hero from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), with the fate of multiple realities in your hands. This new one-hour ride invites you to meet variations of popular characters and harness the power of the Infinity Stones. In this mixed reality environment, every decision you make can change reality.

Cutting technology in the service of narrative

what if…? Not only will it reimagine popular MCU events, but thanks to Apple Vision Pro, revolutionary spatial computing technology, users will experience a fully immersive and technologically advanced experience that defines interaction with digital environments. In this platform, Marvel will take participants from their physical location to the iconic MCU settings to provide an experience that combines the best of mixed reality and virtual reality.

The ability to use your hands and eyes to manipulate and navigate a virtual environment is only part of what makes this experience unique. With stunning graphics and spatial audio, participants will face challenges that test their ability to change time, space and reality as if they were in the movies.

what if

The end depends on you

This game is not only an exploration of “what if”, but a direct challenge to our understanding of the linearity of time and space. Each choice has the potential to lead to completely different endings, providing significant replay value and the opportunity to explore multiple outcomes within Marvel’s vast diversity.

what if…? – An immersive story promises to be one of the most exciting and visually stunning experiences of the year for Marvel fans and high-tech fans alike. With a narrative that blurs the lines between reality and digital and puts it at the center of action and technology, this release is more than just a game, it’s an invitation to live out your superhero fantasies on a whole new level. Prepare for your decisions to determine the future of several facts. Are you ready to take the challenge?

what if

The Marvel series, which explores the alternate realities of the MCU, are among the most popular episodes and stand out for their creativity and narrative audacity. One of the most praised was the episode where Peggy Carter took the super soldier serum, becoming Captain Carter. This episode not only reimagines the role of a beloved character, but also offers a reflection on sexuality and heroism.

Another interesting part is that it presents a universe where T’Challa is a Star-Lord mixing elements of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther. In addition to exploring how a change in environment affects character development, this story stands out for its humor and excitement.

Finally, the episode, which brings together several heroes to face the zombie invasion, is popular for its mixture of horror and action, as well as seeing the characters in difficult situations. This chapter is not only an interesting cross-over of genres, but also tests the heroes’ resilience and skills in desperate situations.