The Super Mario Bros. movie (the old one) already has a new sequel.

super mario bros

Super Mario Bros. 2 is already a reality, albeit without Bob Hoskin and John Leguizamo.

For fans of the popular Super Mario Bros. movie, the arrival of the comic book sequel is a dream come true. Rooted in passion and nostalgia, this project takes the Mario brothers on a new adventure where the original movie left off. In collaboration with one of the original screenwriters of the film, Super Mario Bros.

The comic not only tells the story the movie is based on, but also puts the characters in conflict with the evil Wart, the antagonist of the Mario universe. What makes this sequel unique is how it tackles the film’s impact on the real world and the game world. Although the comic ends abruptly before the final battle, it promises an epic denouement that could be an entire trilogy.

The story behind the creation of this comic is as fascinating as its content. Steven Applebaum and Ryan Hoss, creators of a website dedicated to Super Mario Bros.: The Movie, teamed up with one of the original screenwriters, Parker Bennett, to develop a “canonical” sequel to the film. While Bennett didn’t write the comic, his vision and ideas were instrumental in shaping this long-awaited sequel.

Continued journey in Dinohatan

A weekly comic, following the Mario brothers as they return to Dinohatan to face off against Wart. This sequel was made after plans for a second film were scrapped, offering fans a unique experience in a different but exciting format.

Super Mario Bros. 2: The Comic Book is not only an extension of the movie, but explores how the events of the movie affected both the world and the main characters. Although the comic ends shortly before the final show, it provides a deep insight into the universe that has captivated generations of fans. Applebaum and Hoss had big plans for this comic book universe, including additional chapters and side adventures that showcased the potential of Super Mario Bros. as an “expanded universe.”

Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Movie

Popular film and cultural influence

The first Super Mario Bros. movie starring Bob Hoskin and John Leguizamo may not have been a critical or box office success, but it eventually became a cult favorite. His influence on pop culture and his legacy in the Mario world is undeniable. The fan effort to create a comic book sequel is further proof of the enduring influence of this franchise.

Super Mario Bros. 2: The comic is more than just a sequel; It is a tribute to a film that has earned a special place in the hearts of many despite its criticism. For those who want to relive the magic of Mario and Luigi, this comic is available online, offering a unique opportunity to explore the beloved and nostalgic universe.

Super Mario Bros

Unlike the previous movie, Mario’s new movie has been a resounding success both critically and at the box office. Faithfully honoring the spirit and aesthetic of the video game, this adaptation has been incredibly popular, offering references to comedy, adventure and nostalgia that have delighted fans of all ages. Its success is largely due to its successful voice acting, vibrant animation, and a narrative that matches the action with the undeniable appeal of the characters in the Mario universe.

The film not only revitalized the franchise, but also set a new standard for video game adaptations on film, proving that with the right approach, these stories can be successfully translated to the big screen.