These are the current strategists of Marvel Rivals classified by their skills and team-ups
Be a The layers in Marvel rivals are not an easy task. If you play this role, prepare for your classmates to blame you for any failures and rarely recognize when everything is fine. But the reality is that, without a good strategist, the teams fall like flies. Some characters in this role focus on healing, while others stand out in the control of the map or even on the resurrection of the allies.
Yes really, Not all strategists are equally tools. While some dominate the battlefield, others are condemned to mediocrity. Here we leave you the Definitive ranking of Marvel rivals strategistsworse for better.
8. Jeff The Land Shark – A makeup and little more
Team-up: Groot Y Luna Snow
Jeff can be adorable, but his usefulness in battle is … questionable. His The strongest power is your definitive abilitywho can worry in extra time or maps with traps. But from that, your kit is Too limited. With the last nerfe, it is even easier to dodge his only great threat. In short, Jeff dies less than the cortex.

7. Adam Warlock – Your game is too predictable
Team-up: Star-Lord y Mantis
At first glance, Adam Warlock looks like a great signature. Has surprising skills and, above all, Can relive your allies. But here’s the problem: It is very predictable. Enemies can Follow the path of the Risen and Finish it easilysince he does not come back with his whole life. In short, Warlock is an interesting character, but There are much stronger options.
6. Cloak & Dagger – More assassins than healers
Team-up: Luna Knight
This duo has an interesting concept: alternating between Dagger (healing) y Cloak (damage and mass control). However, the problem is that yours The damage by far exceeds the support capacity. In fact, his role seems closer to that of a DPS than to a strategist. To shine in their support role, they would need Improvements in your healing.

5. Loki – Difficult to dominate
Team-up: Thor and Hela
Loki it One of the most complex strategists of the game. Your kit is based on Create clones, teleports and copy enemy skills. This makes him an incredibly versatile character, but It also requires a lot of practice. If used correctly, it can be One of the best strategistsBut if you fail in the execution, you will be easily exposed.
4. Invisible woman – The queen of mass control
Team-up: Fantastic mystery
Invisible woman e.g. Terror in the control of maps. Your passive ability allows you move between enemy lines without being detectedand it is definitive makes his allies invisible as they slow down enemies. It is perfect for the equipment they need Strategic control and positioningAlthough your learning curve can be high.

3. Rocket Raccoon – A danger with double threat
Team-up: Large
Rocket eg The best hybrid between damage and healing. Your main attack Hurtswhile it is secondary heals his alliesthat allows Alternate between support and easily attack. In addition, its ability to relaunch is safer than Adam Warlock’s, as it allows allies to be placed in protected areas. A brutal strategist for any team.
2. Mantis – The most versatile of Marvel rivals
Team-up: Adam Warlock Y Star-Lord
Mantis shines thanks to his Single control and support capacity. It is the only strategist that You can let the enemies sleep If your allies do not wake them up before. Moreover, It can improve the damage of a specific allywhich makes it an excellent option for offensive compositions. It is one of the best options for any well coordinated team.

1. Luna Snow – The final strategist
Team-up: Namor y Jeff the Land Shark
If there is a strategist that The competitive scene of Maestro Marvel RivalsThis is the snow of the moon. Your last freeze enemies on the siteallowing your team to annihilate them without resistance. Moreover, His healing is one of the most effective in the gamesince it can He takes care of two allies at the same time. Also your definitive ability You can take care of your team or damage enemieswhich makes it practically unstoppable in the current objective. Luna Snow is, without a doubt, the best strategist of the game.

Choose a good strategist in Rivals marvel You can make the difference between victory and defeat. While characters like it Jeff The Land Shark They barely contribute to the team, Luna Snow, Mantis y Rocket Raccoon They have shown that they are authentic support beasts. If you want to dominate the role of strategist, you know which characters they try before.