The game of calamari short the action of the second season at the most important moment, but there is still a story to tell in the third part
Netflix did it again. The platform announced The release date of The game of squid Season 3, but what attracts more attention is not when it will be premiereBut what this implies: It is not really a new season, but rather the second part of the season 2.
The Korean success that razed to the ground in 2021 with its shocking history and its brutal social criticism continues to expand, but does it in a way that has caught many fans. With Period of only six months between the two seasonsThe narrative seems to be a direct continuation of the events of season 2, which has wondered if Netflix is simply has decided to divide the story into two parts Instead of presenting a completely new delivery.
New story or simply the conclusion of the previous one?
While the First season of The game of squid has left a relatively closed end With the survivor and promising revenge by the organizers of the fatal game, The second season has completely changed the pace. In this, the main characters Not only are they still aliveBut the story remained More questions than answers. Give You can’t stop the gamesHis friend Jung-Bae has an uncertain destination and everything indicates that the The third installation will resume right where the second has left us.

That is to say, Season 3 does not introduce a new arch of the plotBut exactly follows the Same narrative thread. This makes her feel more similar to second part of Season 2 that like a completely fresh delivery.
Netflix and its new strategy with divided seasons
Another point that has generated debate is Quick arrival of the third season. Between the first and second there was a Three -year intervalwhich led the fans to mirror on which path the series would have taken. However, the Season 3 will only arrive six months after the secondthat proves it Netflix already had the prepared material and simply chose to divide it.
It would not be the first time that the streaming giant uses this strategy. Series like Karate Kid: The Legacy Have released their last seasons in different parts a Keep the hype and extend the conversation time in the networks. The difference is that on those occasions the division was clearer, while The game of squid It is sold as a new season when in reality it is the conclusion of the second.

Why not call it the game of squid, part 2?
The decision of Label it as a season 3 instead of “season 2, part 2” responds to a marketing strategy. Netflix knows that the idea of a new season Generates multiple expectations of a simple continuation of the previous one. Also, calling it season 3, the idea that the series Continues to expand And not only by closing a story already in progress.
On the other hand, Divide seasons It was a trend in the sector, as we saw with Strange things or The robbery of money. Although in this case the waiting time between the two parts is shorter, the game follows the same logic: Maintain an active conversation for longer and maximize the impact of each launch.

Premiere date of the Squid 3 game and what we can expect
Netflix confirmed it The game of squid Season 3 will be previewed on June 27, 2025which means that fans They won’t have to wait too long To see how the story continues. While Few details have been revealedit is almost certain that Gi-hun will return as the protagonistand that events They will develop exactly where the second season was.
With the success of season 2 e open end he leftThe expectation for the third episode It is very high. The question is if it really offers a shocking conclusion or if Netflix will further extend the story To continue squeezing your global phenomenon.
What do you think of this strategy? You like the idea of receiving season 3 not soon or you would prefer that Netflix it was clearer with its launch format?