The 6 matches between Hulk and Ghost Rider

Hulk y el Motorista Fantasma

We review six instances where the Hulk and Ghost Rider have met.

Conflicts between comic book characters with the express purpose of attracting readers are so common that no one is surprised when an issue arises, even if they come from different publishers. In Spawn/Batman (2023), to cite an example.

However, in this article, instead of examining one of these strange crossings, we will limit ourselves to evaluating the relationship between two heroes from the same company, especially the thoughts of La Casa de las. Although they often operate in different areas, if you continue we’ll mention the Hulk (in his various identities) and the Ghost Rider (in any incarnation, whose crossover with Wolverine we discussed at the time). By reading the different sections into which this article is divided.

Ghost Rider No. 11

Hulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider

The first match between Hulk and Ghost Rider took place in an adventure titled Run of Destruction! (1975), with Tony Isabella as screenwriter and Sal Buscema in charge of the pictures. Johnny Blaze, soon to become Ghost Rider’s alter ego, had the misfortune of running into an angry Hulk while racing in the desert, and was tricked into believing he was the victim of his attack. However, the Emerald Colossus was ultimately defeated and unable to defeat him in physical combat when his opponent was able to deprive him of the oxygen around him.

Fantastic four number 347 – 349

Hulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost RiderHulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider

In these three issues titled Big Trouble on Small Earth! (1990), Where Monsters Live! (Or…Creatures Wander?) and Eggs Got Legs (both 1991), in addition to the Hulk and Noble Kale’s Ghost Rider, we get the fantastic lineup of the Fantastic Four, which includes Spider-Man and Wolverine. With scripts by Walter Simonson and art by Arthur Adams and Gracie Tanaka, this quartet must face common threats from the original Fantastic Four, namely, the title characters, such as the Mole Man and the metamorphic Skrulls.

Wolverine number 148

Hulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost RiderHulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider

The Fantastic Four special lineup we talked about in the previous episode reunited in an adventure written by Erik Larson and drawn by Roger Cruise (2001). The Hulk and Dan Ketch’s Ghost Rider (in place of Noble Kale, as in the original story), along with Wolverine and Spider-Man, face off against a host of foes in this epic take on the apocalypse.

Ghost Rider No. 12 – 13

Hulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost RiderHulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider

The Hulk and Johnny Blaze’s Ghost Rider Apocalypse face off in the recent Part 1 and Part 2 (both published in 2007) comics by Daniel Way and Javier Saltares, which, as seen in the image accompanying this article, were created in 2007. World War Hulk saga moments. In this case, unlike what happened in the first comic analyzed in this article, it is the Emerald Colossus who takes it upon himself to beat his opponent, in addition to tricking him into getting rid of him.

Robbie Reyes: Ghost Rider

Hulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost RiderHulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider

In this five-issue series of Little Movies (2016 – 2017), written by Felipe Smith and edited by Danielo S. Beirut, Hulk and Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider are the cast along with X-23 and Seda. In this case, it’s worth noting that Amadeus Cho, not Bruce Banner, the Emerald Colossus’s alter ego, brings together the Hulk’s various identities, making this the first and only comic on this list. and Ghost Rider. If you are a fan of any of the main characters in this saga, but do not remember reading it at any time, it does not mean that you have a memory problem, because it has not been published in Spain until today.

The Incredible Hulk #6 – 8

Hulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost RiderHulk, Hulk and Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider

And we have come to the conclusion of the fight between Hulk and Ghost Rider, entitled Ghost of Vengeance (2024), with scripts by Philip Kennedy Johnson and illustrations by Nick Klein, which is currently being published in our country, so it is. Still to know the result. As the Emerald Colossus himself has no problem admitting, this Ghost Rider, who goes by the mature name, has nothing to do with the others the Hulk has faced before, but that doesn’t make him any less dangerous.