Sabrina is preparing a magical Christmas for us: watch her Christmas special first

 Sabrina is preparing a magical Christmas for us: watch her Christmas special first |  His house

The Sabrina the Teenage Witch Christmas special is on the way, and it’s full of magic, spells and lots of winter surprises by Kelly Thompson.

What is hidden in Sabrina’s magical Christmas? A question that many fans ask themselves. Archie Comics has released a trailer that will make your hair stand on end: Sabrina the Teenage Witch Holiday Special #1 is coming to life in December. And, be careful she doesn’t come alone. Sabrina’s aunts Hilda and Zelda are there to add a little sparkle to the festive atmosphere.

Aunts Hilda and Zelda join the party!

Exclusive media outlets like The Beat have had the honor of giving the first look at this Christmas special. Kelly Thompson, Veronica Fish, and Andy Fish are the magicians behind “The Long Night,” set during the Winter Solstice, and the 2019 series continues the same. Hook readers from the first moment.


In the world of magic, the most beloved aunts cannot be lost. A story entitled “A Very Special Spellman Solstice” featuring Hilda and Zelda in their youth was written by Daniel Page and Veronica Johnson. This special has all the ingredients to become a Christmas classic among Teenage Witch fans.

The team behind this magical event

The main cover is by Veronica Fish, and for collectors, there is an alternate cover by Laura Braga. The entire comic is colored by Matt Herms and lettering is done by Jack Morelli. It means a special senior team that promises a lot.

“We can celebrate the winter season with Sabrina Spellman in this Christmas special,” Archie Comics said. The comic focuses on how Sabrina and her friends face a “dark and cunning beast”, while the parallel story takes us back to Aunt Hilda and Zelda’s Cursed Night. A journey that will keep fans glued to the pages.


The Evolution of Sabrina: From TV to Comics

If you’re a long-time fan, you’ll surely remember the nineties series where Melissa Joan Hart introduced us to a funnier, less dark Sabrina. We also had the most recent remake of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix, which explored a much darker and more complex take on the character. By the way, this last episode pulled some aces up its sleeve, like adapting certain locations from the comics.

In that sense, this new Christmas special 2019 represents the return of the Sabrina version familiar to those who followed the comic. It’s a golden opportunity to revisit that world, see how the characters were created and what new adventures await them. .


The great step here is that creators can distill the essence of all these hypotheses into one work. Nostalgia mixes with the new, in a special event that promises to appeal to new fans and fans who have been there since Sabrina’s first spell. And really, who could ask for more for a magical Christmas?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch Holiday Special #1 is available starting Wednesday, December 13th. If you want to secure a copy, the pre-order deadline is Monday, November 20th.

If you’re a fan of Sabrina and love magic, you can’t miss this special. Christmas promises to be more magical than ever!