Johnny Red Storm, from Artem Comics, is a new take on World War II by Garth Ennis and Keith Burns, a British pilot under the title Red Army.
Garth Ennis and Keith Burns are two real names like Johnny Red when it comes to comics with World War II stories. They created many others, such as The Stringbags or The Boys. Burns was also a member of the Society of Aircraft Draftsmen and exhibited his work at the grounds of the British Royal Air Force (RAF).
In this case, English pilot John Redburn, who had not had a good time in the RAF-Air Force, was forced to fly to the USSR after his ship was attacked by the Nazis. In his host country, harassed by Nazi troops, he prepares his Hurricane fighter to fight the Soviets.
Johnny Red, Rebel Pilot
Johnny Red is a character created by Tom Tully and Joe Colquhoun, the author of Charlie’s War, published by cARTEm. He is a rebellious boy from the working class of Liverpool who goes from disgrace to the commander of the USSR Air Force, the Falcons, aboard their Hawker helicopter.
In this work of Ennis, the author sets the story in Johnny’s early days in the USSR, which coincides with the golden age of the original Tully and Colquhoun strip.

The Falcons are selected by the new command for a mission shrouded in secrecy and their team leader, Johnny Red, is not selected to go along because it is only a mission from the Soviets. Despite this, Johnny does not abandon his friends, who are caught in a conspiracy from the top of the Soviet command.
The Soviets are represented in the story from two sides: heroes of aviation and villains of party politics. The former are upright and brave, the latter cunning and cowardly – as represented in The Gunman of Warsaw – or in Ennis’s other works such as The Witches of the Night, Motherland or The Fall and Rise of Anna Kharkova.
The authors
The name Garth Ennis (the preacher, the preacher…) already evokes what the reader will encounter, so it is not necessary for his name to appear prominently on the cover of one of his works to attract the reader’s attention.
In Johnny Red Storm, all the themes and devices that the Irishman uses in his stories, such as honor – as well as enemy pilots – kindness or friendship, are found in the main characters. When the opponents are incompetent and corrupt. For all this there is a veteran soldier who recounts his heroic past.
In this comprehensive CARTEm volume, Ennis recovers the most important characters from Johnny Red’s first original stories and scripts and writes them with a truth, respect, and love that the reader can appreciate as they begin to read. More than love, it’s his love for his characters.

The work is divided into eight chapters alternating between the present day, when the hurricane is renewed, with the actions of the pilots during the war. Ennis does not celebrate war, but the bravery and loyalty of warriors, but the reader who knows him knows what to expect from him.
Keith Burns is a master at drawing airplanes and air combat, they are vivid illustrations until they seem too obvious, air combat in the hands of the reader. The dramatic nature of the images testifies to the speed and violence of aerial combat, a new dawn where the skill of the pilot is essential to survival.
The aircraft detail, not only the main character’s Typhoon, but also Soviet MiGs or German Stukas, is excellent. Not only did Burns excel with these tools, but the other vehicles were also perfectly described.
Burns has a more perfect style in his characters, for example, out of the blue mentioned above, so the characters are easily recognizable and their expressions accurately reflect their feelings and thoughts.

The color and color used in the sound is similar to the other aspects of the art, something important in the aerial scenes – it gives a great feeling – and of course, the plot in the night actions where darkness is more than necessary.
The glass and metal admire the sun at the celestial peak, the cannons turn red from the heat of the bullet and the projectile effect jumps around the impact, sending charred remains or blood in sparks and vermilion sparks, heightening the quality. The graphic aspect of the story.
Funny version of CARTEm.
CARTEm Publishing House publishes Johnny Red. The Storm is a 208-page volume, hardcover and 20 x 29.7 centimeters in size, which allows the reader to enjoy the illustrations of Keith Burns. The translation is normalized by CARTEm, Victor Garcia de Esusi.
In short, Johnny Red L’Storm by cARTEm Comics is a great read, thanks to scriptwriter Garth Ennis, who has re-emerged in the history of war comics since World War II. Thanks to the wonderful scenes drawn by Keith Burns, the reader will feel the jet kerosene inside them.

Join Johnny Redburn and the Falcon on an epic adventure
Get ready for an exhilarating journey into the past where bravery and sacrifice breathe life into the narrative of war. Johnny appears in the vast skies of Stalingrad as the heroic commander of the Falcons, a Russian fighter group that takes on the Nazis.
This stunning new chapter is the work of legendary comic book writer Garth Ennis, whose pen has collected unforgettable stories over the years, and Keith Burns’ masterful illustrations bring every page of the epic battle in the sky to life. Every detail of the fight, every gesture of friendship, everything was captured in his head.
Falcon: Heroes in the Sky of Stalingrad
Under the command of Johnny “Red”, the Falcons face an imminent threat. Join them in this new series and witness their unwavering loyalty, exciting adventures and desperate fight for freedom in the dark Russian skies.
This charming comic features Garth Ennis, an influential British screenwriter best known for his work on the 2000 magazine, whose sharp social analysis and heartbreakingly accurate style stand out.
The illustrations are by Keith Burns, a member of the Society of Aviation Artists since 2012 and winner of several awards, who brings his unique talent and unique artistic quality to each page.