Red Hulk sneaks into McDonald’s toys

Red Hulk

Get your first look at the Red Hulk in Captain America’s Happy Meal Toys: Brave New World

Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have seen the first reveal of Happy Meal toys dedicated to “Captain America: Brave New World,” among which one incredible figure stands out: the Red Hulk. Played by Harrison Ford after the death of William Hurt, this character promises to revolutionize on and off screen.

From doll to screen

Ford’s transition into this role is not only a change in actors, but also an evolution of General “Thunderbolt” Ross, now President of the USA, into a monstrous being. Ford in his new role is a central part of the story, where he will face off against the new Captain America in the White House gardens, according to rumors from images released from CinemaCon.

The influence of the toys as a prequel to the movie is clear and the choice to include characters like Sabra, Falcon and Diamondback in these sets introduces an extra layer of caution. However, the case of Diamondback has raised speculations, suggesting possible changes in the final appearance of the film, which reminds of what happened to Rintah in “Doctor Strange in the Madness”.

Deploying a new team

In the “Brave New World” plot, Ford, like Ross, takes the upper hand in his new position of power as Sam Wilson attempts to form a new Avengers team, with a glimpse of politics and war. This president’s desire not only restructures heroic alliances, but also redefines battle tactics against emergent and stable threats such as the Kang Conqueror.

Captain America: Brave New World: Happy Meal: Harrison Ford Red Hulk: Red Hulk

Directed by Julius Onah and with scripts by Malcolm Spellman and Dallan Musson, also revised by Matthew Orton in a recent reboot, the film is gearing up for an expectedly groundbreaking February 14, 2025 premiere. A narrative that doesn’t abandon the interdimensional adventures the MCU promises to explore, even if it stops at Earth-616’s conflicts.

The origin and evolution of visual behavior

General “Thunderbolt” Ross has been a key figure in Marvel comics since his first appearance in 1962, representing the government’s antithesis to the Hulk. His transformation into the Red Hulk in the cartoon gave the character a new dimension, combining his military cunning with superhuman strength. This adaptation in “Captain America: Brave New World” once again confirms its importance in the MCU, but promises to explore its internal conflict and its impact on the surrounding heroes.

Ross’s transformation into the Red Hulk can be compared to other drastic character changes in the MCU, such as Bruce Banner’s evolution into the Hulk or Steve Rogers’ evolution into Captain America. What sets Ross apart, however, is his unique perspective as both leader and antagonist, which can provide a dualistic approach to hero and villain, a dynamic that the MCU has to offer.

Captain America: Brave New World: Happy Meal: Harrison Ford Red Hulk: Red Hulk

The future of the MCU

Expectations are high for Ford as an integral part of Marvel’s next chapter. His portrayal of the Red Hulk is not only crucial to “Captain America: Brave New World,” but to future events, perhaps in “Thunderbolts,” where the line between hero and villain is often blurred.

With Anthony Mackie leading an all-star cast that includes Danny Ramirez, Carl Lambley, Tim Blake Nelson, Shira Haas, Liv Tyler and professional wrestler Seth Rollins, Marvel is crafting a cinematic experience that aims to keep fans on edge. Join your favorite characters as they explore a brave new world.