Why were Tanjiro’s earrings so controversial in Demon Slayer and why did the series change them?

Tanjiro looks shocked at Demon Slayer.


In Demon Slayer, Tanjiro’s earrings caused controversy due to their resemblance to the sunrise symbol used by Imperial Japan during World War II, evoking horrific memories in many Asian countries. The earring design as a connection to Yorichi Tougikuni and the Sun Breath motif makes Tanjiro a successor and puts him on the evil Muzan’s radar. Demon Slayer’s producers showed their willingness to adapt by making minor design tweaks for select Asian countries with earrings and removing unintentional subtext, ultimately boosting the anime’s popularity.

Demon Slayer hero Tanjiro is famous for being incredibly healthy in part, which is why some fans may be surprised to learn about the controversy surrounding the earrings. Demon Slayer ranks among the most popular anime and manga series out right now, but when it first premiered, it caused a bit of controversy by designing banner-style earrings for the main character.

Tanjiro’s earrings are modified Hanafuda cards that have been passed down in the family. In Demon Slayer Season 1, Episode 19, “Hinokami”, Tanjiro’s father Tanjuro wears his earrings. They were also worn by Yoriichi Tougikuni, the inventor of breathing patterns. Since he had no children, it can be assumed that he gave the earrings to Tanjuro, who later gave them to Tanjiro. The earrings pay homage to the Japanese Hanafuda playing cards, typically with floral designs (“Hanafuda” means “flower cards”).

Tanjiro earrings resemble Imperial Japanese designs.

Tanjiro looks shocked at Demon Slayer.

However, controversy arose over Tanjiro’s earrings because the design resembled the Rising Sun, a symbol used by Japan during World War II. During the international conflict, Japan became an Axis power that colonized other Asian countries such as China and Korea. The symbol remains controversial in many Asian countries because it evokes memories of atrocities and war crimes committed by the Imperial Japanese Army. That eventually led the producers to change the design of Tanjiro’s controversial earrings.

The real reason why Tanjiro’s Hanafuda earrings have a sun-like symbol is because it is a sun-breathing style symbol and keeps its legacy alive. Likewise, Tanjiro’s earrings are recognized by many characters, including Rengoku’s father, Shinjuro, whom Tanjiro refers to as a “sun-breathing expert” in the manga. Muzan recognizes them on Tanjiro and in Demon Slayer Season 1 Episode 8 “Smell of Enchanting Blood” orders his followers to kill the “Hanafuda Earring Wearing Demon Slayer”. That’s explained in a flashback when the demon slayer with the same earrings – Yorichi – almost defeats Muza.

Why is Tanjiro’s earrings important in Demon Slayer?

Yoriichi Tsugikuni looks serious in Demon Slayer.

Tanjiro’s earrings are a direct link to the original creator of the Demon Slayer’s breathing patterns, Yoichi Tougikuni. Since Tanjiro is the only person other than Yorichi who can use solar breath, Tanjiro offers to be Yorichi’s successor. This is important because Yorichi was so close to defeating Muzan that he threw away anything that reminded him of the villainous original Demon Slayer in terror. Although Tanjiro had no way of knowing it, these earrings immediately put him on Muzan’s radar. Their solar theme is also relevant as the sun is Muza’s greatest weakness and he is desperate to overcome it.

Why was the Demon Slayer right to change Tanjiro’s ears.

Demon Slayer Why breathing the water of Tanjiro has a deep meaning.

Eventually, the anime’s producers changed the earring designs for certain Asian countries in response to the controversy. Among these countries are China and South Korea, whose platforms have a variant version: instead of a red sun beam radiating from a red circle, the circle stands above four blue horizontal lines. But the mountain below remains the same. Official goods in these countries also have a different design. Despite the backlash from viewers, the earrings passed down to Demon Slayer Tanjiro remain a symbol of strength and hope in the anime world.

The controversy surrounding Tanjiro’s earrings in Demon Slayer is a good example of how creators should respond when such concerns arise. Changing the design of Tanjiro Hanafuda’s earrings was a small tweak to help eliminate harmful (and unintended) subtitles in select countries. Instead of alienating audiences in China, Korea, and elsewhere, Demon Slayer has managed to thrive on the back of its desire to adapt, proving that this modest change was the perfect decision. In the end, Tanjiro is an effective protagonist regardless of the earring’s unique design, and the fact that it was slightly altered to accommodate a certain audience made him and Demon Slayer even more likable.