The final chapter of One Piece confirms that Bonnie is indeed twelve years old, settling debates surrounding her real age and parentage. Bonnie’s unique Devil Fruit power, which allows her to age objects, herself and those around her, has sparked much speculation, but it has now been confirmed that she has made herself look older throughout the series. Since the description is known to be a girl, it creates some controversy as to how her previous relationship with the characters can be read.
Warning: Contains spoilers for One Piece chapter #1098. One Piece finally revealed the secret of Bonnie’s true age in the final chapter of Bonnie’s birth and the circumstances of her true parentage. The Worst Generation member has been the focus of countless debates since her rise to prominence in the Egghead Arc, and the final chapter confirms many suspicions about her.
Bonnie’s curious Devil Fruit, which allows her to age both herself and those around her, has led to much speculation as to the many and terrifying possibilities of Bonnie’s Devil Fruit powers. Among the many theories about Jewel Bonnie that have surfaced since her reintroduction of the story, the theory that Bonnie may be much younger than she lets on has gained a lot of attention, with scattered hints from Saturn and Vigapunk only adding to the fire. Although many fans strongly abandoned this theory, chapter #1098 finally settled the debate.
One Piece chapter #1098 reveals that Bonnie is currently twelve years old and the daughter of a Celestial Dragon.
Bonnie being twelve years old is highly controversial.
Born to Ginny, Bonnie fell in love with her after being forced to become the wife of an unnamed Celestial Dragon after the second abduction. Ginny discovers that Bonnie died of a mysterious illness shortly after his birth, and Bonnie is then adopted by Kuma in the Sorbet Kingdom. As such, Bonnie is neither Buccaneer’s nor Kuma’s biological daughter, but is part World Noble, making Kuma the only remaining member of the near-extinction Buccaneer race.
The chapter also reveals that Bonnie suffers from the same disease as Ginny, causing her to develop hard, blue pearl-like lesions on her skin from exposure to the sun. Having said that, this revelation, while shocking, has sparked controversy given the many instances in which the manga has sexualized Bonini since her introduction in One Piece. The most embarrassing incident is when Blackbeard tries to seduce her in chapter #594, and these incidents definitely seem unpleasant because the series shows that Bonnie isn’t really a teenager.
Bonnie’s true age has been suggested all along
Bonnie in the second half of Genie’s story and Kuma’s story in chapter #1097, fans completely abandon the idea of Bonnie being a child, reverting to other popular concepts and instead it’s Big Mom or Genie’s story. However, the truth about Bonnie’s true age seems to be hinted at early in chapter #1089 when Saint Saturn calls Bonnie ‘just a girl’ and later in chapter #1093 when Vegapunk refers to Bonnie as a little girl. . Many fans also noted that when Bonnie used her powers on herself, she didn’t produce the Gems of Wisdom, unlike when she used her powers to turn Vegapunk into a child in chapter #1060.
After all, Bonnie is first introduced to Egghead as a child when the Straw Hats find her frozen in the heat outside the island, which proves that the seawater has destroyed the effects of her devil fruit and that Bonnie is always aging herself. Series. Although the revelation of Bonnie’s real age has caused controversy due to her past pictures and relationships, at the age of ten she made history as a member of the famous Worst Generation. .
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one piece
Created by: Aichiro Oda
First movie: One Piece: The Movie
First TV Show: one piece
take on Kazuya Nakai, Akemi Okamura, Kappe Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Hirata, Ikue Tantani, Yuriko Yamaguchi.
feature(s) Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Nami (One Piece), Nico Robin, Usopp (One Piece), Vinsmoke Sanji, Tony Tony Chopper, Franky (One Piece), Jimbe (One Piece)
video games): One Piece: World Red Unlimited, One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4, One Piece: World Quest, One Piece Odyssey