Pokemon is responsible for Jujutsu Kaizen Season 2’s most controversial scene

Porygon Pokemon


The visuals in some 2 Jujutsu Kaizen scenes have caused controversy among fans due to the use of dimming, a technique that reduces brightness. But these scenes have changed. Dimming is a technique used to prevent seizures from viewers and became mandatory for the anime industry due to safety regulations after the “Porygon incident” in the Pokemon anime. Blurring is very prevalent in the Shibuya event arc and has become a source of frustration for fans, but important for the safety of viewers, especially children.

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Jujutsu Kaisen’s second season took the show to unprecedented heights and solidified the show as a highly rated anime, but the images shown in certain scenes caused controversy among fans. However, many know that some of the scenes in Jujutsu Kaizen were changed in the early seasons of Pokemon.

While Season 2’s Jujutsu Kaizen has received its fair share of praise, criticism has been leveled regarding the visuals in certain scenes. Commonly known as blur, some scenes appear darker than they should be. This usually happens during fight scenes or bright and colorful situations. For many fans, this disrupted the flow of the show and people took to social media to express their concerns.

Dimming has long been used as an animation technique. Although it is not visually appealing, it is mainly for the safety of the viewers, especially children watching the anime.

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The Porygon phenomenon changed the animation industry forever.

Porygon Pokemon

The blackout had been widespread since the Shibuya Incident Arc, the battle between Shigemaru and Mahito. However, fans were disappointed with the fight between Itadori and the Grasshopper Curse. This is where blurring is controversial, but it’s not MAPPA’s fault as they are legally required to use this method after it has happened to Pokemon. On December 17, 1997, the 38th episode of Pokémon Season 1 sent nearly 600 Japanese children to the hospital after suffering seizures due to the bright and repetitive visual effects. A massive investigation ensued and Bandai Namco’s shares took a hit as a result of the incident.

The episode “Electric Soldier Porgon” was quickly taken off the air and the anime went on hiatus for four months. This event became famous all over the world under the name “Pokemon Panic” and even The Simpsons referenced it. Since then, strict regulations have been put in place to prevent such incidents from happening again. One of these rules is the use of dimming and dimming, which is a dimming effect that helps prevent seizures. These rules apply to some of the best fights in anime, such as Naruto vs Sasuke vs Momoshiki and Midoriya vs Overhaul and Jujutsu Kaisen.

For an in-depth explanation of the Porygon phenomenon, see the Wikipedia page.

As much as fans have been clamoring for it, Jujutsu Kaizen Season 2 has had its fair share of controversy. The working conditions of their employees have been a major source of criticism for MAPPA. While many fans may complain about this, the dimming of the fight is a benefit to children at risk of seizures. Studios in Japan are required to do this, and uncut versions of the animation are readily available when the Blu-ray is released. Fading is a necessary evil for viewers’ well-being, and Jujutsu Kaizen remains an amazing anime, with Season 2 elevating it even further, despite its fair share of controversy.

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Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Poster

Jujutsu Kaisen

Official date: 2020-10-03

take on Yuichi Nakamura, Junya Inoki, Yuma Uchida, Asami Seto, Kaiji Tang, Adam McArthur, Robbie Daymond, Anne Yatko.

Genres: Action, Animation, Supernatural

Level: TV-MA

Seasons: 2

Writers: Hiroshi Seko

Streaming service: Crunchyroll

Franchise(s): Jujutsu Kaisen

Directors: Sungho Park, Shota Goshozono