Loki will have a completely different ending in the Disney+ series


The director, Aaron Moorhead, explained what Loki’s true end would look like with a more tragic path of redemption and sacrifice.

“Every decision in the ‘Loki’ universe carries great weight, and the ending is no different.” With these words, Aaron Morehead, one of the star directors of Marvel’s ‘Loki’ series on Disney+, takes us through an amazing revelation. Weeks after the second season’s Emerald finale, Moorhead opened a window into what might have been: an alternate ending that would have completely changed the way our devious gods were tricked.

The critical decision: turn off regeneration

This surprising information was revealed in the documentary ‘Marvel Assembled’ which takes us behind the scenes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The latest episode, not yet available on Disney+ Spain, focuses on the second season of “Loki.” In it, Moorhead and his collaborator Justin Benson revealed that the series’ original ending was very different: instead of a temporary Lum destruction and restoration, God simply saves Lum and ascends to the throne.

But this ending lacks one crucial element: sacrifice. “We knew something wasn’t right,” Morehead said. “Loki’s rescue of Lum and his ascension to the throne lacked the element of sacrifice that the series required.” This realization led to a decisive decision: he must take on a greater responsibility by destroying the false god Lum. A twist that’s not only important to the plot, but important to the character’s redemption arc.

Loki’s redemption above the throne

‘Loki’ Season 2 will focus on his journey to become a part of AVT, in search of a noble cause. But there comes a time to deny everything and with it, a deep reflection on one’s true self. “Loki always wanted to be king, but his true nature is a good gardener,” Morehead said. “Don’t manage the garden, take care of it so that it blooms on its own.” This vision changes the perspective of the hero, showing us a more complex and improved character.

This decision not only redefines the end of the series, but also creates exciting possibilities for Loki’s future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “I can’t imagine what this means for the future,” Moorhead said, leaving fans inundated with speculation and theories about the fate of Marvel’s most beloved and complex characters.


Everything that Loki left for the future of Marvel Studios

Continuing the analysis of the shocking ending and its impact on the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), we find ourselves facing a horizon of endless possibilities. The end of ‘Loki’ not only opened its own destiny, but also opened up new narrative avenues for the MCU. With the destruction of Loki and the rebuilding of the Time Lum, a significant precedent was set: the manipulation of time and reality now plays a central role in Marvel stories.

This narrative decision has far-reaching implications. It could mean the introduction of multiple alternate realities and universes, giving Marvel Studios the freedom to explore bold and diverse stories. In the second season of “Loki,” the path is opened up to a more complex and layered narrative, where characters can face alternate versions of themselves or entirely new realities.


Additionally, this ending places Loki as a key character in the MCU, not just as a villain or anti-hero, but as someone who can significantly influence the course of events in the universe. Loki’s transformation from an ambitious king to a ‘kind gardener’ suggests a deeper and more significant role in future scenes.

The end of the series left Marvel fans in suspense and excitement. With every decision and every turn, Marvel Studios continues to expand its universe in new and exciting ways, keeping fans of these stories always on the edge of their seats, eager to discover what surprises await them in this expansive next chapter. And a wonderful universe.