Joel Edgerton brings us a new multiverse for the new Apple TV+ series Dark Matter.

joel edgerton apple tv+

Joel Edgerton introduces us to many people and many heroes in his new Apple TV+ series.

The new Apple TV+ series Dark Matter moves away from the superhero scene of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) to offer a more intimate and realistic look at alternate realities with new and deeper human multi-faceted narratives. Physicist Jason Dessen and Matt Tolmach, executive producer, Joel Edgerton delves into a universe that challenges the conventions of standard science fiction by delving deeply into the decisions and paths not taken in life.

The concept of multiverse often features images of superheroes and villains in superhero scenes. However, Dark Matter uses this premise to explore the regrets and alternative lives we might have lived if our choices had been different. The series is inspired by the novel of the same name by Blake Crouch, a pioneer in presenting a vision of diversity away from the glamours and glamor of other genre stories.

An introspective look at what if

Tolmach explained how the series feels so special with viewers: “This is a set of characters that are so deeply rooted in our reality. Although there are many worlds, everything happens in our world. This attracted me from the first time I read the book because of how easy it is to identify with these characters.” Unlike the universe filled with superheroes we all love, here it’s about our world, our reality.

Edgerton, for his part, added a more personal layer to the narrative: “I call it the multiverse for the middle-aged man. Although I love everything at once and the concept of exploring alternative realities, here we look inward, in a way that allows us to reflect on the key decisions of our lives and how we can evolve if we choose a different one. way. It’s a story that doesn’t need capes or laser weapons to be deeply rich and captivating.

joel edgerton apple tv dark matter

A solid platform for compelling science fiction

The series joins the list of successful science fiction shows on Apple TV+ such as Severance and For All Mankind. With Dark Matter, the platform continues to demonstrate its ability to deliver sci-fi stories that are not only entertaining but also engaging. This singular approach ensures that Dark Matter stands out not just as a science fiction spectacle, but as a serious and emotional human condition and the complexities of our life choices.

Dark Matter’s unique focus on the multiverse as a metaphor for exploring regrets and the different lives we could live is what sets it apart in a sea of ​​stories. Eschewing the usual elements of action and spectacle, the series offers a more mature and thoughtful view of human potential, appealing to both science fiction fans and those interested in deeper explorations of self and emotions.

joel edgerton apple tv dark matter

Apart from Dark Matters, Apple TV+ has also produced drama series that capture the imagination of viewers. Among them, Silo stands out as a brilliant adaptation of Hugh Howe’s dystopian universe, exploring life in a post-apocalyptic underground warehouse. On the other hand, Invasion offers a unique take on alien invasion science fiction, focusing on the emotional impact and human responses to global threat, offering a more intimate and personal approach to conventional invasion stories.