How the wheel of time led to the success of Game of Thrones

La Rueda del Tiempo

Martin’s career is undeniably famous, but he wouldn’t have achieved it without The Wheel of Time.

In a vast fantasy universe, two colossi stand intertwined in their destiny, unfazed by their creators. In this literary journey, Robert Jordan’s work not only paved the way for George RR Martin’s runaway success, but we delve into the intricate dance between ‘The Wheel of Time’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ that changed the fantasy genre. , inviting a new generation to dream of a world beyond what can be imagined.

Fantasy, George RR Martin, Game of Thrones, Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan

An unexpected legacy

Without Jordan’s vision, the global phenomenon of GOT might have remained the same. Martin’s series, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’, marks the dawn of a new era of fantasy, drawing on the rich tapestry woven by Jordan. It is this magnum opus called ‘Wheel of Time’ that charts the way to bring such huge and complex stories to life, challenges the traditional mold of the genre and opens the doors to a universe where the imagination is not only new but familiar. worlds, but also new rules.

Martin and Jordan’s relationship transcends the pages, intertwined in a dance of respect and empathy that manifests itself not only in personal discoveries, but in the fabrics they create. Martin immortalized Jordan in his universe with a tribute, passing his spirit on to Lord Trevor Jordan, which not only honors the man but also serves as a bridge between two fantastical worlds.

Influence and inspiration.

Martin’s acknowledgment of the wheel’s influence on his work does not doubt the depth of Jordan’s influence. GOT, with its intricate web of intrigue, power and rebellion, owes much to the ambition and scale of the Jordan Saga. It’s at this inspired juncture that we find proof that, without The Wheel of Time, Martin’s series could have taken a very different path.

Fantasy, George RR Martin, Game of Thrones, Wheel of Time, Robert JordanFantasy, George RR Martin, Game of Thrones, Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan

Not only did Jordan use the traditional triple structure, he expanded the horizons of what a fantasy series could be. Martin realizes that, without the success and daring of The Wheel, with its own series of characters and complex plots, it might not have found its place in the hearts of readers. Martin’s debt of gratitude to Jordan is a testament to the power of friendship and respect in the realm of creation.

A common path to eternity

Although both series open in different universes, they both share a legacy of breaking molds and redefining expectations. The acceptance and success of Martin’s bold narrative decisions, such as the untimely demise of Ned Stark, builds on the paths Jordan has already explored, redefining what a challenging and imaginative saga is all about.

At the heart of these stories lies an inescapable truth: without Jordan’s work, GOT would never have captured the imaginations of millions. Jordan’s series not only paved the way for Martin, but also opened the door to an era of big-budget fantasy series, proving that there was a wide appetite for rich, complex worlds.

Fantasy, George RR Martin, Game of Thrones, Wheel of Time, Robert JordanFantasy, George RR Martin, Game of Thrones, Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan

GOT and ‘The Wheel of Time’, which can be released on Max in the US, have not only emerged as pillars of the genre, but are also testaments to the unbreakable bond between Jordan and Martin, a friendship that ultimately enriched his fantasy films. For all future generations.