Get ready for the new spin-off of Doctor Who: “Tales of the TARDIS”, mini-movies that will take you back in time

    Get ready for the new spin-off of Doctor Who: "Tales of the TARDIS", mini-movies that will take you back in time |  His house

    Want more doctor in your life? The BBC has the answer: a new series and a comprehensive website for true Doctor Who fans

    Whoniverse. If you are a fan of Doctor Who, this term will not sound strange to you. From November 1, the BBC wants you stuck in your mind, because it will be the official home of all things Doctor Who on BBC Play. But wait, there’s more. Not only will we be able to revive over 800 episodes that fueled the Doctor’s legend, but we’ll also have a new original series of narratives, Tales of the TARDIS.

    Why not miss this series?

    Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Another series, what’s so special about this one?” Well, there’s a fun reunion of classic faces from the Man Universe. And I’m not talking about any reunion. Time travel and cosmic adventures await with duets that stole our breath in the olden days. Not only will it be a walk down memory lane, but the actors will be reprising their original characters. Oh, now you’re curious?

    Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy star as the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors. Alongside him will be familiar faces such as Janet Fielding as Tegan, Nicola Bryant as Perry and Sophie Aldred as Ace. Need more reasons to pin? Well, have two cups: the first Doctor’s friends Vicky (Maureen O’Brien) and Steven (Peter Perves) will also return. And Fraser Hines and Wendy Padbury, the Second Doctor’s loyal squirrels, couldn’t be lost. Finally, the icing on the cake: Katie Manning and Daniel Anthony, who gave life to the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane’s companions, will join in this temporary party.

    Doctor Who

    The long-awaited return: Russell T. Davis

    Of course, this is all food without salt if we don’t have someone to taste it well. Here comes Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies, who decides to go back to his old ways and writes Tales of the TARDIS. He says, “It’s the perfect way to celebrate the Doctor’s 60th birthday, when former Doctors and colleagues reunite to fight the good fight.”

    Tales of the TARDIS begins on the BBC iplayer on a date called Wynneverse, ushering in a new era for Doctor Who. So yes, get out the colorful scarf, brush up on your sonic script and get ready for a fun ride, because starting November 1st, the TARDIS is back and stronger than ever.

    Doctor WhoDoctor Who

    Classic Roots: When Doctor Who Was Black and White and It’s Still Amazing.

    Want to know what the most anticipated Tales of the TARDIS is? Well, let’s take a look back at those days when the tube screen ruled the classic doctor. Yes, I’m talking about an era when special effects were simple, but the narrative and the art made up for any technical shortcomings.

    Who doesn’t remember the first doctor played by William Hartnell? He was a goofy grandfather but wise. It all started with him, and his black and white rooms have an undeniable charm. Then came the second Doctor Patrick Thornton, more funny and playful, but also charismatic. The Doctor established the concept of “rebirth” that allowed him to change his face and continue his adventures, a brilliant idea that allowed the longevity of the series.

    Doctor Who 2Doctor Who 2

    And we can’t forget the third Doctor Jon Pertwee’s sophistication and James Bond-esque moments. But if we want to talk about icons, we can’t forget the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, with his scarf a mile long and his love of sweets. This Doctor was as violent as he liked, and for many fans he remains the ultimate Doctor.