Facing the Wall was one of the most popular comics when it launched in 2022, on this occasion cARTEm Comics published the second volume in which the Poutot affair was completed and the choice of freedom or what is right?
In the year In 2022, CARTEm Comics first published in front of the wall, originally published in France by the publishing house Casterman, which became one of the publications that captivated readers and critics, because it shows the harsh reality of Jean-Claude Poutot, even if someone is chasing him while he is running away, keeping his eyes on the rearview mirror. A criminal who spends as much time in prison as in freedom.
In the first volume, the character is introduced, who has visited the prison world since adolescence, rejecting it more than sentimentality. Poutot is a man who grew up in the banlieues of Paris and the environment led him to a life of crime along with his character, which is constantly shown by the author, conveying more current situations with the past in the narrative.
As a criminal, facing the wall 2, Poutot continues the eternal flight and mental struggle between doing the right thing or seeking freedom at any cost. As previously seen in the first volume, this graphic novel recounts the experiences of Jean-Claude Poutot, delving deeper into what was described in the first volume.
Again, the author narrates certain events from Poutot’s life story in eight chapters, jumping from his youth to his adulthood, indicating the decisions and actions taken by the characters in their evolution. These actions entail personal sacrifice and collateral damage, but also a relentless struggle for survival.
This volume explores how the main character’s criminal career begins, his reaction to the fear of his presence, and the challenge he faces from his peers in complex situations that make his future even more entangled. It also features a stint in the French Foreign Legion where he learns how to handle mines and the difficulties of maintaining exile life with his family and love life.
The authors
Jean-Claude Poutot was one of the most wanted criminals in France and Laurent Astaire, an experienced author, has been part of the artistic team developing the first biography in the ninth art. As seen in the first volume, the authors meet in one of France’s maximum security prisons, where Astaire teaches a comics course to the inmates, and Poutot shares it with eight other convicts.
As already mentioned, the volume is composed of eight chapters, like the first, but in this there is a “hidden” chapter, which, according to Poutot, the author decided not to include because it seemed to promote drug traffickers. The ex-convict himself denounces it, also discussed in the addendum.
“Drug Trafficking Has Destroyed the ‘Code of Honor,’ That Form of Righteousness That Keeps Former Gangsters Alive”
Jean Claude Poutot.
The alternate story makes it clearer than the linear sequence of the main character’s action, because it gives it more depth and intimacy, which makes it possible to empathize with the main character, a fact that did not happen in the first volume. The alternation of the places where the action took place shows the extent of the crime committed by the author in many European countries until it was caught in Germany.
It is worth highlighting Laurent Astaire’s expertise in painting and especially in the color he gives, because it makes it very easy for the reader to place the action and the time of its creation, highlighting the copper color palette, emphasizing the more or less happy past events and criminal acts in blue tones, as well as prison actions in green. Except for the color that appears in full color.
This chromatic tone emphasizes the sequence of interlaced chapters, which are one of the great achievements of the work, clearly distinguishing each story in the general context, preserving the originality and freshness that surprised readers in the first volume.
As the publisher is committed to providing a high-quality finish at a competitive price, little can be added to what has been described by cARTEm Comics in other works. In this case, Matthew has a hard cover, generous dimensions of 21 x 29.7 cm and the length is slightly less than the first volume, which has 128 pages. Again, we must highlight the translation by Matteo Pier Avith Ferrero, who has done such good work in other publishing houses.
In the additional material of the work, in addition to the hidden chapter, there are documents from the real file of Jean-Claude Poutot, some from the Spanish courts, as well as the French and the General Directorate of the French Court. The police, explaining it as the German police GSG-9, finally made it to the French authorities.
In short, this second volume maintains the tension and quality of the first, making Facing the Wall one of the best comedies of recent times, depicting the reality of prison and the constant stress and strain of leading a life-long criminal. It makes Poutot’s life very interesting but also claustrophobic and lonely, so his redemption perfectly highlights this biography by Laurent Astaire.
In front of the wall 2
In this volume the Pautot affair comes to an end. How to escape the shadow of criminal and prison life? Is it possible to get a second chance? Sometimes you have to choose, and the right thing is not always clear.
The second part facing the wall. The most amazing prison novel
This work shines as a rare gem in the panorama of biographical novels that shed light on prison reality. Here we are faced with the creation of a unique originality that has been seen in recent years, both in terms of content and style.
Following in the tradition of famous American writers, Jean-Claude Poutot and Laurent Astaire have created a narrative that draws directly from harsh reality, combining realism and imagination.
Is the Pouto case over?
This issue makes the readers suspicious, makes them feel mysterious and suspicious. The question that resonates in everyone’s mind is: How can one escape from the shadow of life that is seen by crime and condemnation? The pages of this story explore the dark corners of the human psyche where the unpredictable consequences of wrong decisions can trigger a downward spiral.
The central theme that emerges is the possibility of second chances. In the story, the plausibility of a man being able to rebuild his life after falling into the clutches of crime and facing the inevitable consequences of his actions is explored.
Behind the bars
In this epic literary saga, we delve into humanity’s struggle against darkness. In addition to arousing readers’ curiosity, the narrative of “The Face of the Tower” raises fundamental questions about the nature of redemption and the individual’s ability to change.
In a world where second chances aren’t nearly as valuable, Pautot’s case forces us to examine how far the line between good and evil stretches, and is there really a line that marks the end of damnation and the beginning of a new one? Life.