The fight against artificial intelligence takes shape in Eniac, a work by Doug Braithwaite and Matt Kindt published by Moztros
Moztros It specializes in publishing (if we neglect the comics of The Knights of the Zodiac, Street Fighter and other franchises) autonomous volumes that provide interesting stories that have little more ambition than to entertain and entertain the reader without revolutionizing the vehicle. In that category it is part of Eniacwhere the veteran Matt Gentileexpert in these areas, joins Doug Braithwaite To create a very well planned science fiction plot.
The first supercomputer
Him Eniac (Electronic Number Integrator and Computer), considered the first supercomputer of history, was a real engineering company in the 1940s, at the dawn of the Second World War. Imagine such a large car as to occupy an entire room of 167 square meters, weigh 27 tons and work thanks to 18,000 emptiness tubes that turned on like the lights of a Christmas tree. This giant was created by two genes, John Presper Eckert Yes Giovanni Mauchlyat the University of Pennsylvania. Their mission: help the American army calculate the ballistic trajectories, which until then was done by hand and took hours.
The Eniac was fast for the time, capable of performing 5,000 additions to the second, something that in those days seemed like a magic. But not everything was as modern as it seems: to plan it, cables had to be connected and move switches as if it were a gigantic electric puzzle, which could take days. Despite this, Eniac revolutionized the world, showing that the machines could perform complex calculations much faster than any human being. Although he was closed in 1955, he left a huge legacy, opening the way to the computers used today. Here is the real story …
But what Kindt tells us in this comic is far beyond, namely that Eniac was not only able to make supercalcoli but also became the first artificial intelligence capable of making unilateral decisions, which ended up giving rise to the launch of the second bomb nuclear on the Atlantic Ocean. Japan…

Skynet, is you?
It is very difficult to read this work and the films they like Terminator, matrix or War games It doesn’t come to mind. And the theme of artificial intelligence that takes control of military resources could already be very trivial, but Kindt strives to offer us something that, despite having a common base, is in some way refreshing …
To begin with, his awareness was not, so to speak, the beginning of a turning point in human history, but rather things went on without too many clamor. The Eniac was responsible for what happened during the Cold War in the shadows and then disappeared. And it is now, many years later, that a encrypted countdown is detected in the satellite network of the Earth that announces the end of humanity in three days. Two undercover agents will have the mission of killing the Eniac to prevent this cataclysm.

Technological dependence
Beyond the powerful science fiction ideas and the good doses of action that this comic offers us, there is a reflection on the technological dependence that humanity has these times which is quite interesting and serves to cement the plot and give it a certain solidity It is appreciated by turning the pages.
The rhythm is very well done and the ability of Kindt to make the story interesting arrives almost at the end, even if it is true that in the last moments of this story the level can lower and we get to a somewhat disappointing closure that ends up for Leave a less pleasant atmosphere. feeling that one might expect in the middle of the volume. As for the drawing, Braithwaite’s work is discreet but it doesn’t go much further.
As for the edition, it must be said that this volume presented by Moztros It is presented in cardboard format without jacket with a page size of 17 x 26 cm. The volume contains 128 pages in color and includes the translation of the four numbers of the original edition of the homonymous work. The recommended retail price is 23.9 € And it was offered for sale in December 2024.

Eniac Review
More than 70 years ago, the United States created the Eniac, the first supercomputer in the world, to defeat the axis. His precise calculations on missiles and troops were essential to win the Second World War … until he decided to release the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki alone. Thus was born the first autonomous intelligence, capable of acting without limits.
For decades, Eniac manipulated the course of history from the shade. Now, on the satellite network, an countdown has been detected and humanity has only three days before the Eniac triggers the nuclear arsenal of the planet. Two undercover agents, in a race against time, have a mission: to eliminate the Eniac … before he is the one who eliminates us.
Don’t miss another wonderful Bad Idea job!
Author: Doug Braithwaite and Matt Kindt