Dragonlance: Shadow of the Queen of Dragons arrives in Spain

    Dragonlance: La sombra de la Reina de los Dragones

    Dragonlance: Shadow of the Queen of Dragons arrives in Spain as part of the Battle of the Lances. The nation of Solania is now the target of the Dragon Queen, whose war on Tahisis continues. From today, November 3, 2023, the book will be available in our country.

    The war of the lance never stops, and in this new adventure players can create characters from Crane, the world of Dragonlance to face the fearsome army of dragons and their cruel queen. The world of Dungeons & Dragons continues to expand with a new book from the Wizards of the Sea, where a new battle will take place for those adventurers who dare to lift their hand (and spear) in Dragonlance. Dangerous villains.

    Go to war with an army of dragons to fight Takhisis, the queen of dragons, who has returned to conquer the unsuspecting nation of Solania! In this new adventure for the best role-playing game in the world

    Dragonlance adds new features to the face of dragons

    This book brings new features to players:

    Heroes of War: Provides rules for creating characters that highlight key elements of the Dragonlance setting, such as the Kender race and the Knight of Solamnia or the High Sorcerer. This allows players and classes to practice or learn this new feature. Dragonlance: The Dragonlance setting is introduced for 5th edition, as well as providing an overview of what players and Dungeon Masters adventurers need to do in this world-class conflict. Since it is a global war, it will not be difficult to include it in ongoing campaigns. A World at War: Take part in an epic war story set in the famous Lance War. Adventurers can plunge into a war that can plunge entire nations, planes, and many dungeons and dragons into chaos and ashes. Villains: Pit the heroes against the legendary Death Knight Lord Soth and his draconian army. The Draconians, half dragons, half humans, are a difficult and warlike race, a challenge to anyone willing to face them. When these types of creatures come into play, there is no battle that doesn’t end in carnage.

    This new adventure may be included in the recently released Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse ( article here ). The various dimension entrances are the perfect excuse for multidimensional combat to be realized in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. A unique opportunity to unite all kingdoms against the fearsome dragon army and the unstoppable pressure of the evil dragon queen.

    The impact of this new adventure remains to be seen as it adds an element that represents a great challenge for campaigns and players alike. On the one hand there is the eternal war against the dragons and on the other hand the destruction that this can cause on all planes. Adding this adventure to subsequent campaigns can change the course of decisions and add necessary chaos to many adventures.

    It’s an ever-expanding world, and that opens the door to radical change for any campaign. Interpreting the signs of an abundance of dragons is a warning from the witches of the coast: the queen has returned.

    More information about the launch at: Dragonlance | Dungeons and Dragons (wizards.com)