The relationship between Ruby Sunday and Sutekh changes the history of Doctor Who
One of Doctor Who’s most shocking revelations in season 14 was the return of a classic villain who greatly overshadowed Ruby Sunday’s story. The series, under the direction of Russell T. Davies, has kept fans on the edge of their seats with intriguing mysteries, and now one of the biggest has been solved.
The relationship with Sutec
Episode 7, “Legend of Ruby Sunday” not only brings back an old enemy, but also establishes Sutek as the main antagonist going forward. This return not only poses a lasting threat, but has far-reaching implications for Ruby Sunday.
In the episode “Devil’s Song”, a possible relationship between the two characters is first mentioned. Maestro confronts the Doctor and Ruby and expresses fear at the song that comes out of Ruby’s soul, which is “The Carol of the Words”, the same tune that was playing when Ruby was left in the church. This revelation suggests a deeper and darker relationship between both characters.
The scene shows that Ruby doesn’t show any supernatural powers until the Doctor comes back to save her from the Goblin. This suggests that the ability may be related to the availability of the doctor. Additionally, it is suggested that Sutek was present at the church the night Ruby was aboard the TARDIS. This information provides crucial clues about the relationship between both characters.
Ruby in the villain’s plans
The villain may have planned Ruby’s life from the beginning. He can use his powers to manipulate events in his favor by arranging for Ruby to leave and meet the Doctor. This theory is reinforced by the appearance of Miss Flood, who lives next door to Ruby and knows a lot about the Doctor, the TARDIS and the man waiting for him.
The series also leaves it up in the air as to why the TARDIS’s strange noises and malfunctions begin after Ruby joins the Doctor. If Sutek needed Ruby for his plans, he could have stayed hidden until she was on board, waiting for the right moment to reveal himself.
Is she Ruby Sutek’s daughter?
A popular theory among fans suggests that Ruby could be Sutek’s daughter. In the episode “The Devil’s Song”, the maestro reveals that he is the toymaker’s son, which seems to foreshadow the detailed narrative. The relationship between Maestro and Toymaker and Ruby’s reference is similar to what one would expect, hinting at a possible relationship between Ruby and Sutek.
This also explains why DNA testing has failed to find living relatives on Earth because their ancestry goes beyond planetary connections. Ruby, who has the ability to create ice with her mind and alter her own timeline without triggering the effects of Blinovich’s limitations, may have a more cosmic origin.
The effect of the return of Sutec on the series
The villain’s return not only promises a formidable foe for the Doctor, but also complicates Ruby’s story in unexpected ways. This classic villain brings a dark twist to the series’ narrative, with fans eagerly anticipating the next revelations. A relationship between the two characters could redefine her role in the series and give her character a new depth.
A mix of mysteries, shocking revelations and the return of classic villains ensures that the series will continue to surprise and delight fans. With each episode, Ruby’s story becomes more complex and fascinating, promising many more adventures to come.