Batman Kevin Conroy, who did not appear in Gotham Knights

Kevin Conroy

Plans have been revealed to include Kevin Conroy in the Gotham Knights episode

Gotham Knights, the series that promised so much on the CW and quickly faded away, hides in the shadows a gem of news that recently came to light. James Stotherax, one of the brains behind the project, has shared details about a cameo that is set to shake up the Batman fan base: Kevin Conroy is already slated to appear as the iconic Dark Knight in the flesh.

The dark knight that could have been

The idea was bold and full of nostalgia. Conroy, the voice who voiced Batman for generations in Batman: The Animated Series and the Arkham video games, finally brings the hero to the screen. We wanted to recreate a scene from The Dark Knight Returns where Batman and Robin have a pivotal exchange. It was perfect to show Robin’s origin,” explains Stotherax.

The series, which only ran for 13 episodes before being canceled, attempted to reinvent the wheel by featuring Batman’s henchmen defending Gotham after the hero’s death. But the abandonment of traditional costumes and beautification reminiscent of 2000s dramas did not resonate well with the audience. Despite talks of alternative plans for a possible Batman with Jensen Ackles, hearts have always been set on Conroe.

A failed dream that pleases fans

Kevin Conroy’s Batman legacy is not just a chapter in comics history, but a defining voice of an era. With his deep performance and respect for the character, Conroy crossed over from voice actor to icon. Being in Gotham Knights could be not only a tribute to his career, but also a way for him to reconnect with the legions of fans he has admired for decades. His version of Batman is not only considered defining by many, but also a measure of honesty and emotional complexity that few adaptations of the masked hero have been able to match.

Batman voiceover, Batman Conroy cameo, Gotham Knights series, Kevin Conroy Batman, Batman animated legacy

The Gotham Knights series attempted to offer a fresh take on the Gotham universe, but lacked the emotional impact that an actor of Conroy’s caliber could bring. Compared to other Batman series like Batman: The Animated Series or Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, Gotham Knights lacked the depth and gravity that these stories offered. Conroy’s presence is the bridge between new visions and nostalgia, deepening the emotional connection with viewers and possibly changing the fate of the series.

An unfulfilled promise

Unfortunately, Conroe Health prevented those plans from coming to fruition. “When we finally got the all clear, Kevin was already very sick,” shared Stotherax in a sad voice. In the year Conroy, who passed away in 2022 after a battle with cancer, left an indelible legacy as the voice of Bat, including an appearance as Bruce Wayne on the CW crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Although not fruitful, Conroy’s influence was felt even in the smallest details of production. “We used a photo double of Kevin in the pilot. It was completely intentional,” explained Stoteraux. The gesture was a subtle but significant tribute to the actor who gave so much to the character.

Batman voiceover, Batman Conroy cameo, Gotham Knights series, Kevin Conroy Batman, Batman animated legacy

And… what if?

The void left by Conroy’s absence begs the eternal question: What would have happened if Kevin Conroy had worn the cape in Gotham Knights? Maybe, just maybe, his presence could have saved the series from an untimely demise, or at least offered a bright moment in a dark season.

This revealing detail speaks not only to what could have been, but also to the team’s respect and admiration for Conroe. Despite the challenges and eventual fate of the series, the attempt to connect with Batman’s legacy through the image of Conroy is a testament to his enduring influence on Gotham’s mythology. Although the project did not reach the expected heights, this effort to honor one of the greats shows a clear understanding of what Batman means to many. A lesson, perhaps, that some heroes never really die; They simply become legendary.