Our last is at the most difficult time for the saga.

The Last of Us 2

The last of us online? Another coordinator next? Naughty Dog is getting into real chaos in his post-apocalyptic saga.

There’s something in the air, our Final Episode 2 fans, and no, it’s not one of the game’s deadly spores. Apparently, this title may be on the way to receive the Lord again. But before you get out of your seat, let’s examine the information ahead.

Our last part 2 in the revised edition?

Neil Druckmann, the brain behind this achievement, recently mentioned a secret project for the PS5. And to add fuel to the fire, information about the controller was leaked in a very unexpected way: from the LinkedIn profile of Naughty Dog lead artist Mark Pajarillo.

Fans have been in love with this title for years, but let’s be honest: there’s some concern that Naughty Dog has become too reliant on remasters and ports to maintain interest in the franchise. We feel this is especially important since our last part 2 came into our hands three years ago.

The weight of the evidence

Mark Pajarillo isn’t just any Naughty Dog employee. Since 2012, he has worked as an environmental artist for the company, especially on the last of our franchises. His professional profile describes him as someone with a “proven track record of mastering imported artwork and seamlessly integrating it into game engines.” His level of experience makes his LinkedIn, at least, a very interesting source on a possible remaster.

It is important to note that a naughty dog ​​has fallen on hard times. Mass layoffs and the end of the aborted series are just some of the news that has tarnished the company’s reputation. In addition, production on the late season of the HBO series has been halted due to ongoing strikes.

the last of us

However, if the rumors are true, there is a good chance that the release of this master will coincide with the second season of the HBO series based on the game, which could give both the studio and the franchise a much-needed boost.

Our Ultimate Episode 2 Mod won’t just be a visual refresh or tweak for the new consoles. This could be a strategic move when Naughty Dog needs to regain the trust of his audience and maybe, who knows, offer more to the franchise universe than a simple facade.

Do we really need this remaster?

Now, the million dollar question: Do we really need our Ultimate Episode 2 manager? This title is a graphic and narrative masterpiece already fully exploited by PlayStation 4. Additionally, if you have the disc for PS4, the game will already run with familiar graphics enhancements on PS5. In other words, we’ve already seen this post-apocalyptic world in high definition and high performance.

The Last of Us - HBO Max - Pedro Pascal (4)

To this must be added an even more painful blow for Saga fans: the wait for the game’s online mode, which has been rumored for a long time and for all we know, could have been cancelled. This was a feature that fans were looking forward to as it could open up a new dimension in our ultimate universe, allowing for interaction and cooperation between players. Instead of bringing this highly anticipated feature to life, releasing the core game’s moderator may feel like cold water to a community that has high expectations.

These factors give rise to certain premises about the perceived true value of this re-manager. If Naughty Dog decides to move forward, they need to deliver something truly unique and worthwhile that will justify spending the Euros again to get the experience that many have lived through on their current consoles.

All this being said, it cannot be denied that the panorama is complex. Naughty Dog faces the challenge of balancing the expectations of a loyal but increasingly skeptical fan base. Will this controller be a new start or a misstep? Only time will tell.