The Vulture technology and the new Rhino suit will change the balance of power in the Marvel world
Imagine a rhino on steroids… gives you chills, doesn’t it? Well, that’s what we have on hand with Uncanny Spider-Man #2, the charismatic beast we already know becomes a super-powered version of the Hulk, and against his will!
Warning, spoilers for The Incredible Spider-Man #2
Vulture changes the game
Who would have thought? Vulture, one of Spider-Man’s oldest enemies, turns out to be the architect of this twist. He did this by using mind control technology that not only enhanced the strength of the rhino but turned it into a threat that was difficult to control.

This new costume is not just anything. Created with elements of the Orchis Lycorgos Project, it contains microtechnology that alters human behavior through brain stimulation. And when we say “transforms,” we mean that it transforms the already fearsome rhinoceros into an out-of-control destruction machine.
Nightcrawler vs. Rhinoceros: Who’s in charge?
It’s time for Nightcrawler, who has been in hiding after being accused of murder, to face something big. And this new Rhino, powered by Orchis and The Vulture, is exactly that. If we add that Nightcrawler has already experienced something similar with mind manipulation, the conflict promises to be very dramatic.
A little story of the rhinoceros man
The rhinoceros is not a newcomer. Since 1966, Alexei Systevich has had more updates on his suit than a smartphone. From a new experimental skin cloak to mecha suits, Orkis’ latest upgrades give her a new level of destructive power, but also cause her to lose what little control she once had.
If there’s one thing Rhino has always stood for, it’s his ability to stop himself from time to time. But this new armor brings out the worst in him, not only his strength but also his anger, which can be deadly for heroes and villains alike.

We must not forget that Rhino is not always muscular and aggressive; It also has moments of vulnerability and moral suspense. But now that chance for redemption seems to be fading with the new armor. With his license suspended and his rage escalating, can Rhino overcome his situation and find a way back to normal? Or rather, does his character spiral into an uncontrollable spiral of destruction, distancing himself from any chance of redemption? This change in character adds to the narrative tension, making us wonder if the heroes will have any choice but to stop him permanently. It’s a question that doesn’t have an easy answer, and makes for an attractive topic for future installments.
Rhino or Hulk, who’s scarier?
Now that Alexei has become something of a Hulk, we find ourselves wondering who would be more terrifying in a face-to-face situation. Both characters are similar in their destructive potential and lack of self-control when unleashed, but there are key differences. The Hulk or Bruce Banner is in human form and has a duality to his nature that allows him a level of redemption and heroism. Rhino, on the other hand, is mostly mischievous, and seems destined to follow that path of no return in his new outfit.
The comparison makes us question the ethical implications of mind control technology in the Marvel universe. Previous changes to characters like the Hulk have come with personal moral dilemmas. Currently, the control and responsibility of El Buitr Technology rests with a third party. This adds further complexity to future stories where the line between heroes and villains can become even more blurred. Is Rhino now more of a victim than an opponent? Only time will tell.

What awaits us in Uncanny Spider-Man?
If you’re curious to see how this all plays out, run out and grab your copy of Uncanny Spider-Man #2 now. This issue could change the way we look at Ray and the balance of power in the Marvel universe.