He spun a game of thrones that didn’t come to fruition

Juego de Tronos

Brian Helgeland, screenwriter of the 1997 LA Mystery film, talks about his script for Game of Thrones: Ten Thousand Ships

In the vast and complex universe of “Game of Thrones”, every character and every story has incredible potential that transcends the borders of Westeros. Among these untold stories is the “Ten Thousand Ships” series that promises to expand George RR Martin’s legacy, with a narrative as grand as Queen Nymeria’s own ambitious journey. Bryan Helgeland, known for his work in “LA Secret”, was the designer of this project, although it was approved by Martin, it did not go into production.

An unknown view

Helgeland finds inspiration in mythology from the Encyclopedia of Westeros, treating Nymeria as a messianic figure rather than just a leader of the exiles. Her homeland devastated, Nymeria is forced to lead her people into exile across stormy waters in search of a new home. “They have to leave their land and find a new place to live,” Helgeland said in an interview with Inverse, quoted by Variety. This is like the Israelites coming out of Egypt.

This fictional Mediterranean journey promises to be an odyssey full of betrayals, loyalties, and challenges to Nymeria’s power, weaving a narrative where the survival and identity of a people is constantly threatened. But despite Helgeland’s enthusiasm and clear vision, HBO decided not to move forward with the project. “I think my series felt that time was too far from the original pillars,” says the screenwriter, hinting at the complexities of balancing creative visions in the “Game of Thrones” universe.

A symbol of culture over invasion

Nymeria is not just another character in the rich wallpaper of “Game of Thrones”. It is a symbol of resistance and leadership. In the original saga, this warrior princess leads her people across the Narrow Sea to Dorne, depicting the ongoing struggle for survival and freedom. Her story especially resonates in a time when female leadership is given new importance in gender narratives and pop culture. Compared to other notables like Daenerys Targaryen, Nymeria stands out for her determination to save her people rather than seeking power for power’s sake.

Brian Helgeland Screenwriter, Ten Thousand Ships series, Nymeria Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones series

Additionally, Helgeland’s proposal to further explore the exploits and epic voyage of the Ten Thousand Ships could have offered a refreshing and expanded view of George R.R. Martin’s universe, introducing new settings and cultures into this fictional world. This expansion of the Westeros mythology not only enriches the original series, but also serves as a bridge to introduce viewers to the lesser-explored parts of this vast universe. With this project, HBO will have the opportunity to further diversify its catalog of epic content, retaining fans and attracting new viewers.

An uncertain future but never excluded

Although she is on vacation, the hope of “Diez Mil Barcos” is not completely lost. Helgeland, whose repertoire includes such hits as “The Knight’s Tale” and “Mystic River,” is committed to the story he’s created. “If HBO wants to bring it back, my job is still there. I enjoyed my time developing, and you never know,” he commented with a glimmer of hope.

Meanwhile, “Game of Thrones” fans will be able to watch the intrigues of Westeros for eight seasons on Max, as well as the recently opened “Dragon House” series, which is scheduled for the second season on the 16th. June 2024.

Brian Helgeland Screenwriter, Ten Thousand Ships series, Nymeria Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones series

The journey of “Ten Thousand Ships” is a reminder that, in the vast sea of ​​television narratives, some stories keep fans in suspense and waiting for the day they can travel with their favorite characters. On new amazing adventures. Although this particular project remains in limbo, the allure and potential of Westeros’ stories is as wide and deep as the sea Nymeria and its people attempt to cross.