Three warriors by Dragon Ball who retired early.
Fans of the franchise Dragon Ball They know that the success they have had since 1984 is due to people like Son Goku or Vegetawho usually take the initiative when it comes to fighting the forces of evil, manage to be interesting enough to retain, despite the years, the same freshness and spirit of improvement with which we have known, especially in the case of Son Gokuwho has been in the franchise Dragon Ball since its beginnings.
However, although it is true that most of the fighters in this manga are male, the truth is that in Dragon Ball There are also female characters who don’t hold back when it comes to opposing their enemies. However, while some of them continue to work hard, there are others who, over time, have preferred to become housewives and take care of the house and their children instead of continuing to struggle, as demonstrated by the three examples of women, once fighters of Dragon Ballwhich you will find below, if you continue reading this article to the end.
We begin our review of the powerful, but retired, women of the aforementioned franchise with this character, who saw the light for the first time in the adventure entitled Furaipan Yama no Gyūmaōpublished in Dragon Ball #11 (1985), which belongs to first volume from the collection, which collects the saga Son Goku in Nakamatachi, or “The Monkey Kingby the work of Akira Toriyama. It is about a princess, daughter of King Gyumaowho met Son Goku when she was a girl, she fought alongside him (using the top of his helmet as an axe) and made the series’ protagonist promise that he would one day marry her, although in his childish naivety, he was unaware of this to which he was agreeing to. TO.
However, when they were adults, Son Gokuafter defeating Chi-Chi In a quarrel in which he didn’t even touch her, he ended up keeping his word and even fathered two children for her: Son Gohan Yes Son Goten. However, after the birth of her firstborn, her way of being radically changed, as she began to care more about other values, such as being a good housewife, the fact that her husband struggled less and got a decent job, and that her children and grandson of the eldest of them had a good education. He never fought again.
Number 18

Born with the name Lazulifirst saw the light of day in the chapter Dragon Ball #349titled Mezameta Jūnanagō, Jūhachigō; That is to say “Androids wake up!belonging to the volume 29 (1992), which collects the saga Goku, Yabureru!; “The Androids of the Red Ribbonalways because of Akira Toriyama. This young woman and her brother, formerly known as Number 17they were normal people who had been transformed into androids by the doctor Thenwho had implanted a primary mission in their heads: that of ending the life of Son Goku. However, these two brothers also had to worry about escaping Cellan android superior to the two of them, trying to assimilate them to increase its power.
However, after the defeat of Cellwhich was spat out from within Number 18 Before blowing himself up, the android changed sides and got married Krillin (who had been in love with her for some time) and they had a daughter named Marone. Since then, taking care of both of them has become the young woman’s main concern, although, unlike the other two members of this list, she will not mind arguing if one condition is met: getting paid for it.
He saw

The third and final woman on this list made her debut as a classmate Son Gohanthe eldest son of Son Gokuin the manga Dragon Ball n° 421titled Satan Shiti no Hai I created; Namely “Herculopolis Highwhich belongs to the volume 36 of the collection, where the saga called Nyū Hīrō Tanjō!!; That is, “The new generationalways because of Akira Toriyama. She is an expert fighter, daughter of the wrestling champion known as Lord Sataneven though everyone who really knows her knows that he’s a bully and that she’s much braver.
However, after his marriage to Son Gohan and give birth to the baby girl Pan, He saw She preferred to become a sweet housewife and was no longer forced to fight, as she prefers to dedicate her time to taking care of her daughter and her husband, whom she trusts above all else.