For a spectacle as big as Game of Thronesthere were actually several plotlines missing from the books. George RR Martin’s writing style is expansive, creating many moving pieces within the world of Westeros to give it a sense of realism. As a result, several storylines had to be omitted so that the series had a continuous pace that could focus on the main characters. That being said, some storylines that likely would have had major consequences for the cast were never even included.
These missing plots involved princesses attempting to launch coups, murder mysteries that might have hinted at a rebellion against the Boltons, and even major characters being resurrected from the dead. Without these stories, the series itself suffered, as it would have helped lay the groundwork for many of the series’ later developments and may have been better received than the final product of the original series.
10 The mystery of Tysha was a much bigger part of Tyrion’s character in the books
Tyrion’s first wife, Tysha, is mentioned several times in the series, to explain how cruel her family could be to him. He assumed she was someone Jaime had paid to pretend to love her so he could be with a woman for a while before she was sold by Tywin Lannister. This act emotionally ruined Tyrion, who came to believe that he could never be loved in this way. However, on the evening of his release, the truth was revealed.

Game of Thrones’ Most Tragic Character Deserved Much Better
Game of Thrones is a series filled with extremely tragic stories, but few characters were less deserving of their sordid ending than this short-lived king.
Tysha had actually loved Tyrion and Tywin had threatened her to leave. Jaime had always known the truth, but he had hidden it from Tyrion. The revelation shattered Tyrion’s trust in his brother and he said everything hurtful he could, destabilizing Jaime’s relationship with Cersei and turning them against each other. Tyrion would later frequently question the fate of his first wife, but the news was a shock to the system that gave Tyrion a strange hope of love, but also the knowledge that his family was even more despicable than he realized. imagined it.
9 Winterfell murder adds mystery to the North
One of the smaller but still fascinating mysteries of the series was the murder of little Walder Frey. The nine-year-old boy was found dead in the snow of Winterfell and no one could determine who did it. Theon, always known as Reek, assumed that it was Mance Rayder and his spearwomen, who had infiltrated the castle and had already killed several men inside. However, they denied any participation in this act. This, coupled with Theon seeing a strange man in a cape stalking the halls, led some to believe that there was an unknown murderer in the castle.
Fan theories range from a secret Northern conspiracy to overthrow the Boltons by destabilizing their alliance with the Freys or even that Theon himself had developed a split personality that murdered people. Regardless, it was one of the most researched mysteries in the books, as it created this sense of small-scale horror within Winterfell that was only compounded by the dangerous people occupying the castle .
8 Robb Stark had a different wife in the books
In the books, Robb did insult the Freys by marrying another woman, but it wasn’t Talisa. Instead, the story introduced Jeyne Westerling, a woman Robb met during his expedition to the Westerlands, the Lannister territory in Westeros. Robb was injured while storming his ancestral home in the Crag. Jeyne ended up treating Robb’s wound and shortly after received a letter telling him of Bran and Rickon’s supposed deaths. She comforted him in his time of grief and the two ended up sleeping together. To save his honor, Robb married her the next day, but thus broke his pact with the Freys.
George RR Martin’s novels see Jeyne eventually surviving the Red Wedding and grieving Robb, having loved him. Yet, it is interesting to note that what destroyed Robb was not his love for Talisa, but his devotion to the North’s sense of honor. It’s another reminder that the ideals his father taught him don’t sit well against the rest of Westeros’ cutthroat politics. Still, Jeyne’s survival would have at least been some consolation for the devastation of the Red Wedding.
7 Mance Rayder survives execution
Mance Rayder met his end at the hands of Jon Snow in the series. It was a mercy killing to prevent him from suffering a gruesome death by fire at the hands of Melisandre. But in the books, Mance is still alive. He was swapped with someone else and given a glamor to hide his appearance. This way he could act as an agent for Jon, who has his son hostage. Mance was supposedly sent to infiltrate Winterfell and rescue “Arya”, actually Sansa’s former friend Jeyne Poole, who was being kept by Ramsay as his wife.
Mance did as he was told, and his first infiltration was a success, posing as an artist to try to free Jeyne with Reek’s help. However, their attempted escape was discovered and Mance’s fate remained unknown. A letter sent by Ramsay claims that he captured Mance and put him in a cage exposed to the elements, with only the sewn skins of the spear wives he took as his sole source of heat. It’s still unclear if this is true or if Ramsay was lying to get Jon to attack. Regardless, Mance’s fate is much more interesting than a simple arrow to the heart.
6 Cersei’s prophecy was not told in its entirety in Game of Thrones
The show only briefly touched on the prophecy Cersei received as a child from Maggy the Frog. Even though it covered the deaths of her children, there was another aspect that would have explained Cersei’s hatred of Tyrion even more. Maggy predicted that after Cersei was deposed by a young queen, she would be strangled to death by the “valonqar”. This is a Valyrian word for “little brother”, leading Cersei to assume that Tyrion would one day murder her. As a result, Cersei had even more reason to despise her brother.
It presents the likely scenario of Cersei’s death, making her fate in season 8 all the more unsatisfying. What’s interesting is that Cersei has two younger brothers: Tyrion and Jaime. There is every chance that, given Jaime’s growing resentment towards Cersei, it will be him who kills her in order to protect Westeros from her wrath, or perhaps simply in revenge for another crime she has committed . Regardless, Cersei’s ending should have been much more satisfying.
5 Daenerys’ Dornish suitor brought her closer to Westeros
In George RR Martin’s novels, there was actually a suitor from Westeros who wanted to win the hand of Daenerys Targaryen. Only, instead of Euron, it would have been Quentyn Martell, the son of Prince Doran Martell. It is revealed in the books that years ago, Doran promised his daughter, Arianne, to Prince Viserys as his future queen so that an alliance between the Targaryens and the Martells would overthrow Robert Baratheon and the Lannisters. However, faced with Viserys’ arrogance, Doran improvised and sent his otherwise timid son to Essos to try to convince Daenerys.
This did not go well, with Daenerys rejecting Quentyn’s advances no matter what act of devotion he tried to influence her to do. Ultimately, when Daenerys disappeared atop Drogon after being attacked, Quentyn decided to try and tame one of her remaining dragons. He believed that having a Targaryen ancestor was enough to bond with Viserion. Much like his attempt to seduce Daenerys, Quentyn failed and was burned by Rhaegal. Quentyn died three days later from his injuries. Although her story went nowhere, the impact of her death will likely have serious repercussions on Daenerys’ future relationship with the Dornish.
4 Lady Stoneheart would have avenged the Starks
No one who read the books expected Catelyn Stark to return from the dead after her death, much less as a vengeful female zombie. In the books, coming back from the dead is a transformative experience, causing radical changes within a character. In Catelyn’s case, she came back hateful and determined to do nothing but viciously murder everyone who participated in the Starks’ betrayal at the Red Wedding. The plot was cut from the series, but arguably would have been a real insight into how resurrection can negatively affect someone.
It also cost Beric Dondarrion his life to bring her back, making her the de facto leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners. It remains to be seen what impact this would have had on Sandor Clegane’s decision to join them, if he had ever crossed paths with them. As it stands, by the most technical measures, an additional Stark should have been active in Westeros over the past few seasons, and a potential reunion with his surviving children would have been astonishing, if not horrifying, to see.
3 Euron Greyjoy was much scarier in the books
In the books, Euron Greyjoy was a much more intimidating character and stood tall without being submissive to Cersei. In fact, the two never even officially met. The only thing the book Euron had in common with his series counterpart is that he took control of the Iron Islands after murdering his brother. However, Euron’s goals were never as dastardly as wanting a throne and a beautiful wife. Instead, he wanted something bordering on apocalypse.
It has been insinuated that Euron learned to wield magic, with some fans speculating that he was a former student of the Three-Eyed Raven. However, Euron is apparently aiming for some sort of chance at godhood, wanting to use his ships in a massive battle that will double as a blood ritual to elevate himself to such status. What’s terrifying is that it’s unclear whether he’s wrong about such a feat. Blood magic is a thing in this world, and if he has truly learned to wield magic during his travels, he may very well be able to achieve his goal unless someone stops him.
2 The Dornish storyline had nothing to do with the show
The Dornish storyline in the series deeply disappointed fans. Not only because it was poorly written and poorly executed, but also because it didn’t even focus on the characters in the books. In fact, almost none of the main Dornish characters from the books appeared. Ellaria Sand never wanted revenge after Oberyn’s death. She just wanted to live in peace with her daughters. Instead, it was Arianne Martell, daughter of Doran Martell, who began plotting to overthrow the Lannisters. She ultimately failed, but was later involved in her father’s long-term plans to destroy the Lannisters for the deaths of Elia and Oberyn.

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These scenes from Game of Thrones have fans cheering with joy.
This made the Dornish one of the most important players in the game at the time, as it meant they had been subtly trying to destabilize the Lannisters for years and were now preparing to act. Arianne’s story also introduced fans to how cool all Dornish people were. Oberyn may be the most famous of his people, but rarely is anyone from Dorne not dangerous.
1 The Second Dance of Dragons Would Have Introduced a Second Targaryen
That’s right, there was another Targaryen in the books besides Daenerys and Jon. Or at least that’s what he claims to be the truth. During his adventures across Essos, Tyrion encountered a young man who revealed that he was secretly Prince Aegon Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell, who had apparently survived thanks to Varys being replaced by another baby before the sacking of King’s Landing by the Lannisters. He had lived in Essos all these years, learning the skills he would need to rule and later return to Westeros to reclaim the Iron Throne.
The fact is that there is no concrete proof that he is who he says he is. Sure, he has the characteristics of the Targaryens, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest that he is not Aegon, but a descendant of a branch of rebel cadets of the family known as the Blackfyres. If that’s the case, then “Aegon” probably has no idea, but at this point in the books, he launched his invasion of Westeros and was very successful as well. His presence would have potentially sent Daenerys into a spiral, since she previously thought she was the only Targaryen alive. This would have resulted in a second Dance of Dragons when it finally reached Westeros, but like many other parts of A song of ice and firethe script was left in the editing room.