10 most interesting Aquaman comics to discover the water world

Aquaman - Arthur Curry - DC Comics

From the comics that influenced James Wan’s vision of the movies to the classic and darkest underwater superhero, Aquaman.

As we delve into the ocean of cartoons, Aquaman, DC Comics’ ruler of the seven seas, emerges as a character whose depth goes beyond his aquatic realm. Although his fame isn’t quite on par with his Justice League peers, Arthur Curry has parlayed his comics into true sunken treasure sagas that can captivate even readers who turn their backs on comics.

Legacy and Tragedy: “Death of a Prince”

Aquaman’s narrative takes on a somber tone in “Death of a Prince,” implying that his son’s death was a before and after in Arthur Curry’s life. Beginning in the Bronze Age of comics, this story arc shows the darker and more serious side of the hero during Batman’s most serious Batman plots. Relationship.

Horror in the Deep: “Andromeda”

Under the label Black Label, “Andromeda” takes us deep into the abyss where Aquaman faces the terror of space, freed from the superhero cliché. The rich and dark narrative opens up an artistic tapestry that transcends traditional adventure coverage, offering Aquaman riding waves of terror and suspense. This story is not only a visual delight, but also a journey that reshapes the character, showing his versatility and ability to cross and control the genre spectrum.

Aquaman, DC Comics

Rebirth of a Hero: “Bright Day”

“Bright Day” shines a light on not just Aquaman, but the entire DC Universe, including Rebirth and his renewed relationship with Mera and Black Manta in a plot that transcends the story itself. The look of the new Aqualad brings a contemporary dimension, connecting the veteran of the deep with the new wave of heroes. This volume marks Aquaman as he navigates the proper waters in a sea of ​​superhero icons.

Aquaman, DC Comics

Sunken City: “Sub Diego.”

“Sub Diego” reinvents Aquaman, challenging the idea of ​​a peaceful sea kingdom by placing him in a narrative where the shadows of crime and corruption enter the water. This saga places a guardian whose vigilance extends beyond the waves in an underwater city that reflects the complexity of the landscape. Aquaman becomes a beacon of hope for a nation that now lives in the abyss between two worlds, facing challenges beyond the boundaries of the kingdom and redefining the role of hero.

Aquaman, DC Comics

Modernization of the Classic: Aquaman #26-40

Jeff Parker refreshes Aquaman, breathing fresh air into the narrative canvas reminiscent of the Silver Age and refined by modern culture. His time, bright and energetic, is an open invitation to rediscover the hero, and will be essential reading for fans looking for dynamic adventures and stories full of classic heroic brilliance. Here, Aquaman is presented in all his glory, reminding us why his legacy remains so vibrant and relevant in today’s comic book culture.

Aquaman, DC Comics

Hoaxes and Myths: “Drowning”

“The Drowning” ushers in an Aquaman renaissance penned by Daniel Abnett, combining surface politics with seafaring storytelling to elevate Aquaman’s narrative to a new level. Oscillating between diplomatic dialogue and underwater battles, this work presents an authentic version of the King of the Seven Seas, portraying him as a mediator between worlds and a determined warrior, confirming his place in the court of Atlantis and in the pantheon of superheroes. .


Rediscovering the myth of the “tomb”.

In “The Pit,” Geoff Johns dives into the depths to redeem Aquaman, confronting ridicule with a powerful narrative inspired by representation in cinema. This volume is an underwater odyssey that breathes new life into the character, with Jason Momoa portraying the strength and beauty of the big screen Aquaman. This story arc not only redefines the hero, but rewards readers with a fast-paced adventure, setting a new standard for Emperor of Atlantis sagas.


Peter David’s Aquaman: Volumes 1-2

Known for reviving characters, Peter David reimagines Aquaman, baring one arm and covering it with a sense of unwavering determination. This reimagined Aquaman delves deep into ancient magic and mythology, dressing the Atlantic in every form with a tremulous modernity, whether on the pages of comics, as an animated feature, or in cinematic grandeur. His performance injected lasting vitality and changed the public’s perception of the hero, leaving an indelible mark on popular culture.


Origins Revisited: “The Legend of Aquaman”

“The Legend of Aquaman” emerges as a seminal work, illuminating dark areas of Aquaman’s origins and evolution over the years. This story transcends time, creating a link between the nostalgic charm of ancient stories and the complexity of modern sagas. The detailed narrative of this episode provides a unique perspective to understand the complexity of the hero of Atlantis, encompassing the character’s constant change and adaptation, reflecting his ability to resonate with generations over time.


A History of Civilization: “The Chronicles of Atlantis.”

In “Chronicles of Atlantis” we find a wonderful narrative that is essential to understanding the greatness of the universe, although it is related to Aquaman himself. This saga opens the rich tapestry of Atlantis, chronicling its glorious rise and tragic fall. Through the pages, the threads of a story are woven above the image of Arthur Curry, centuries of legacy and conflicts. In addition to enriching the background of Aquaman’s universe, this work provides a window into a world where fantasy and reality merge, creating a legacy beyond Aquaman himself and cementing his iconic status in the Aquaman fandom. DC


At the intersection between legend and graphic narrative, these ten works are a testament to the fact that Aquaman deserves to be read, studied, and most of all, enjoyed. With each page, Aquaman moves away from caricature and establishes himself as an icon who challenges the depths of his own perception.