Only a privileged few My Hero Academy The villains effortlessly balance drama and comedy like Jin Bubaigawara, the man behind the masked crusader better known as Twice. Kohei Horikoshi’s popular shonen series about superheroes has a memorable cast of criminals. Many of them have surprisingly sympathetic backstories, but it’s Twice’s unfortunate past that will make audiences cry. He’s truly been mistreated his entire miserable life.
A core member of the League of Villains, he primarily provides support through his Double Quirk, which grants him the special ability to construct copies of anyone whose measurements he takes. Twice dies halfway through My Hero Academybut the impact he left behind can still be felt like a crater. The pitiful villain is one of the best examples of character writing Horikoshi has ever published. This really shows with Twice’s character arc.
10 Twice has a healthy friendship with Himiko
They always look out for each other
In most shonen manga or anime, members of villain organizations have selfish motivations and can barely stand each other. Camaraderie is a rare commodity. The League of Villains subverts these expectations, especially with the platonic relationship between Twice and Himiko Toga. Perhaps due to their shared backgrounds as social outcasts, mainly due to their unusual Quirks, their intergenerational friendship remains strong for many arcs until Twice’s demise.
More than anyone else in Shigaraki’s motley crew, they understand each other’s feelings very well. Twice is already likable in his own right, but he also humanizes the unstable Himiko and improves his own character considerably. This is most evident in the Shie Hassaikai arc when Himiko fixes Twice’s mask when his split personality goes out of control. Twice’s deeper connection with the other characters makes the series all the better because of his interactions.
9 Twice’s ability to clone himself and others is incredibly cool.
Twice’s Quirk is highly sought after by heroes and villains alike.

Top 10 My Hero Academia Transmitters
There are a spectrum of powerful Quirks in My Hero Academia and some of the strongest are the Emitter Quirks that belong to heroes like Bakugo and Todoroki.
Duplication is a popular superpower that, predictably, is finding its way into My Hero Academy. Twice is entirely defined by his powerful Emitter Quirk, Double. If he comes into contact with anything, he can make exact copies of it as long as he uses the right measures. Normally, he can only make two copies per Twice. If he clones himself, however, he can create infinitely more copies. This even works on deceased people he has already touched.
In theory, Twice’s Quirk is very dangerous because he can build entire armies to conquer various countries. We get a small glimpse of his power in Deika City when he unleashes his ultimate move, Sad Man’s Parade. Both heroes and villains alike see him as a valuable asset. Once he overcomes the mental obstacles, Twice really puts his powers to good use, at least right before he is killed in the story.
8 Twice reminds me of Deadpool
There are some similarities to Marvel’s popular anti-hero
My Hero Academy is inspired by American comic books, particularly the most famous ones from Marvel and DC Comics. Twice’s neurotic disorders, hilarious remarks, whitened eyes, skin-tight costume, and propensity to have conversations with himself are heavily influenced by Marvel Comics’ Deadpool. The two comic fighters play on their powers to dramatic effect, as they struggle to control various aspects of duplication.
Deadpool is dealing with cancer due to uncontrolled cell division, while Twice is suffering a major identity crisis due to his ability to clone himself. Their respective fandoms will also forever adore their surprising gravitas despite their mischievous nature. While he pays homage to Deadpool in some ways, Twice is very much his own authentic character. He’s not a rip-off, but rather a respectful acknowledgement of Wade Wilson.
7 Twice really appreciates his friends no matter what
Shigaraki gave him a place in this world to begin with
Most criminals only care about themselves in the shonen genre, but that’s not the case in Twice in My Hero Academy. Twice shows genuine loyalty to his friends in the League of Villains, whether it’s showing his grief over Magne’s death at the hands of Overhaul or risking his life to save Himiko from Skeptic’s puppets. If not for his unfortunate upbringing, Twice could have easily gotten along with the likes of Deku or Mirio Togata.
It’s refreshing to see a major villain show compassion towards his teammates. Having never had any friends growing up, Twice has found a place in this world after joining Shigaraki’s cause. Even when he’s on the brink of death in the Paranormal Liberation War, he comes out smiling when he saves Himiko and Mr. Compress from a random hero. Twice’s motivation in life seems to be a desire to search for himself, only to discover that he’s not alone.
6 Twice’s determination is more than admirable
Twice is an underdog that is easy to root for
Although he possesses untapped potential with his Dual Quirk, Twice is by no means a physical specimen. My Hero Academy. His lack of power and speed reduces him to a secondary role within the League of Villains. However, while he is not a destructive force of nature like Dabi, or blindingly fast like Himiko, he is still fiercely devoted to his friends. Twice’s greatest attribute is unwavering determination. to get the job done right.
A tragic example is his refusal to back down from the Hawks during the Paranormal Liberation War. Twice remains true to his beliefs that he will never back down. He will always remain loyal to Shigaraki and the League of Villains, mainly because they believed in him when no one else did. Twice is killed for his troubles, but he remains true to himself in the process. He exemplifies the meaning of “Plus Ultra” in terms of valuable friendships.
5 Twice’s story reveals society’s flaws
Unfortunately he never got the chance he should have.
Horikoshi is very critical of how society fails a particular social class. My Hero Academy explores these sociological questions through the story of Twice. When a young Jin Bubaigawara accidentally hits a powerful businessman with his motorcycle, he is fired by his disgruntled boss due to the loss of an important client. It doesn’t help that in an earlier scene a police officer tells him he can always start over, but it’s really not that simple.
Alone, depressed, and homeless, Jin has been creating more clones of himself just for company. With no other financial options since his family died, he has become a petty criminal desperate to survive. Jin is one of the many villains that society looks down on for vindictive reasons. His former employer prioritized his own profits over the well-being of his employees. Jin is very relatable to many viewers in this regard.
4 Twice’s tragic death is still felt today
Several characters are greatly affected by Twice’s disappearance.
Twice is arguably the most sympathetic member of the League of Villains. My Hero AcademyHe was forced into a life of crime, was often blamed for several failures such as Magne’s death, and struggled with mental illness like a man fighting a giant. Worse yet, he was eventually betrayed by Hawks, a double-agent hero who worked against the villains. Twice is also considered too dangerous to live due to his Double Quirk.
In order to potentially save countless lives, Hawks makes a difficult but understandable decision: to eliminate the tragic villain, who meets his demise during the Paranormal Liberation War. This is a point of contention in the story itself as Hawks must defend himself during the conferences following the event. Twice’s friend Himiko also falls into a state of despair, and during the final war, she is consumed by rage as she brings Twice’s last vial of blood to the battlefield, just so she can transform into him one last time with her Quirk.
3 Twice provided some much needed comic relief
The League of Villains was too serious otherwise
There is rarely a moment of levity among the League of Villains. Tomura Shigaraki, All For One, Kyudai Garaki, and especially Nomu are deadly serious characters with very little to laugh about. Thankfully, comic relief is provided in the form of Twice, a humorous villain with exaggerated facial expressions and ridiculously evil mannerisms In My Hero Academy. His split personalities contradict him even in conversations. Twice is nothing is not unexpected in his statements.
At least until the Paranormal Liberation War, Twice eases the tension in scenes whenever he’s around, especially with Himiko by his side. He’s a bundle of chaotic joy that’s sure to make fans laugh repeatedly at his antics. Whether he’s insulting Giran’s fashion sense or using fart noises as his personal ringtone, Twice is unpredictable because he’s undeniably hilarious. Considering he teams up with serial killers, it really helps lighten the mood. Twice can always be counted on to bring a laugh whenever he’s around.
2 Twice’s Quirk Deconstructs the Concept of Cloning
He doesn’t get a pass to use such a powerful power.
Horikoshi usually ensures the balance of power within My Hero Academy. Every Quirk has drawbacks to consider, especially the more powerful ones. Twice’s dual Quirk greatly affects his entire character arc since he constantly has to deal with questions about whether or not he’s the original and not a copy. It’s very telling when most villains are the way they are because of their destructive Quirks, whether it’s Shigaraki, Himiko, or Dabi.
Twice has the ability to create massive clone armies, but for most of the story, while he’s still alive, he’s stuck with a restrictive disability because he’s afraid of what might happen. Most stories would be content with characters freely using this power without a second thought, but Twice’s Double Quirk takes a realistic approach to its storytelling. Horikoshi makes a fantasy world feel all the more real through this interesting journey. This is how writers can effectively incorporate powers into multifaceted characterization.
1 Twice actually overcomes his mental trauma
His story is more inspiring than most heroes.
It turns out that even villains can have an inspiring story. For several years, Twice still bore the scars of a traumatic incident where his clones went rogue and killed each other, leading him to question whether he was the original or just a fake copy. Skeptic plays a very indirect role in Twice’s character development in My Hero AcademyWhen he sends his puppets to break Twice’s arms, he makes a very surprising discovery that changes everything.
The downside of the Double Quirk is that the clones have low durability and deteriorate with enough force. Twice realizes that he is indeed the real one when he survives being beaten by Skeptic’s puppets. With a new lease on life, he removes all restrictions on himself and unleashes a massive horde of copies, turning the tables on Shigaraki’s crew. It is a final moment of triumph for Twice, as he meets his end in the series’ next arc. At least he overcomes his mental anguish beforehand.