When will the Eternals return to the Marvel Universe? Gossip explains.

Rumor: Eternal 2 is in development and will feature an unexpected return

After the controversial premiere, Forever may be back, but not in the way we expected.

The shadow of Return hangs over the Marvel Cinematic Universe forever. Although Marvel Studios has not officially confirmed the sequel, rumors of an Eternal sequel suggest a different approach. While the second film seems to be in the works, sources indicate that the characters may be seen again in a completely different project.

The Eternal: Between Rumor and Reality

Marvel Studios, known for its permanent series, faced a unique challenge with Eternals. Not only did the film earn a “rotten” rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but it closed its run in US theaters with just $164.9 million, the lowest domestic gross for a film set in the MCU, bested only by 2008’s The Incredible Hulk.

However, the film left several loose ends that still resonate with fans. From the MCU Can Kevin Feige, the mastermind behind it, put these characters aside? As Alex Perez of My Cosmic Circus reports, the sequel has taken a backseat, though it’s still ongoing. However, he said that we will probably see these characters Ikaris and Ajak, who seemed to have met their end in the first episode.

New Dawn in animated format

Interestingly, these characters have been able to join the universe in animated form, especially in the Marvel Zombies series on Disney+. These animated versions are expected to be variants of the Android heroes introduced in the original film. This twist could provide a window into Marvel Studios’ long-term plans for these heroes.

Eternal UCM

Forever introduced us to a group of space heroes who have protected Earth since the dawn of mankind. With the unexpected return of monstrous creatures known as Deviants, the Eternals must regroup to defend humanity. Starring Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, and Angelina Jolie, the film explores themes of love, power, and sacrifice.

Upon its release, the film divided audiences and critics alike. Do you think Eternals is unfair? Share your opinion and continue the discussion in the comments.

The return of the Etherrens could be an opportunity to redeem a narrative that felt like it fell so far in the first episode. Will Marvel be able to successfully rekindle interest and explore the rich backstories of these characters in completely new ways? Only time will tell if this rumor turns out to be an exciting reality for MCU fans.

Forever members

Aside from the plot twists and rumors of their return, the characters in Eternals offer rich and fascinating diversity, each with abilities and backgrounds that add depth to the Marvel Universe. Gemma Chan plays Cersei, who has the power to manipulate inanimate matter and has a deep love for humanity. Richard Madden plays Icaris, who has unlimited powers, can fly and shoot energy beams from his eyes.


Kumail Nanjiani plays Kingo, who channels his cosmic energy into explosive projects and takes up life as a Bollywood star. Lia McHugh, as a sprite, has the ability to create dreams that are indistinguishable from reality, an eternal young woman trapped in a girl’s body. Brian Tyree is Henry Faustos, a genius inventor who secretly helped humanity develop technology. Lauren Ridloff plays McCarry, who has superhuman speed and is one of the few deaf superheroes on screen.

Barry Keoghan and Don Lee are Druig and Gilgamesh, respectively; Druig can control minds, while Gilgamesh is the strongest of all time, the guardian of Tena, played by Angelina Jolie, a fierce warrior with exceptional fighting skills. Finally, Salma Hayek is Ajak, the group’s spiritual leader and doctor, with the ability to heal and communicate with the Celestials.

These diverse personalities not only expand the scope of The Eternals as a film, but also allow it to explore the various human conditions and moral dilemmas of beings who are omnipotent but deeply connected to humans and their foibles.