What went wrong with Shyamalan’s adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender? The cast of the Netflix version has an answer.

    avatar the last airbender

    Some of the actors from Netflix’s upcoming Avatar: The Last Airbender series from 2015 They reflected what went wrong with the 2010 version.

    The first live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender did not live up to expectations and fans were left disappointed after seeing M. Night Shyamalan’s film. Now that Netflix has a chance to deliver a product that fans of this franchise will love, it’s only a matter of days until they find out if they succeed. Currently, the cast of the new version is promoting the show, and during an interview, some of the actors involved in the Netflix project took the time to talk about Shyamalan’s film based on the cartoon.

    Why didn’t Shyamalan do the movie?

    Shyamalan’s film However, it received very negative reviews from critics and audiences, so plans to make a trilogy were scrapped. In just a few days, the new adaptation of the hit series arrives on Netflix, and in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, part of the show’s cast reflected on the failure of the 2010 film about Aang and his friends. First, we share the words of Chiaventio, the actress who plays Katara

    “I saw it once and I think as a fan, with all fans, I’m disappointed. But I think it’s a good way to see something that we don’t want to do. “This cartoon has an amazing story, we’re going to try to give it the live action it deserves.”

    For his part, actor Paul Sun-hyung Lee, who plays Uncle Iroh, suggested that the 2010 film Avatar did not live up to its base material.

    “I saw her, you know. He’s dragged himself through the mud a few times, and I get it, as a fan I understand. The recording was also uncomfortable and painful for me, in that sense. Not that the actors were bad. I don’t say that. “No one set out to make a bad adaptation, no one set out to offend the entire fan base, but I think there were some bad decisions made.”

    Finally, Daniel De Kim, Fire Lord Ozzy in the Netflix version, thinks the new adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender is appropriate for now.

    “I’ve seen it. I have a lot of respect for M. Night Shyamalan. He’s assembled a great cast of actors who are household names today. “I think there’s a time and a place for every iteration of a show… this is the perfect example of this time.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender arrives on Netflix on February 22, 2024.