What is Marvel Studios hiding? The Agatha series changes its title again

What is Marvel Studios hiding?  The Agatha series changes its title again

Changes to Agatha’s show title could be part of Marvel Studios’ move.

After making several changes to the subtitle, Marvel decided to simply call The Witch Project Agatha. However, now the studio is introducing a new name for the Marvel Cinematic Universe show.

New Agatha logo

Medium ComicBook.com shared a print of the Marvel Studios label that featured Agatha’s series logo modified from the Marvel Studios label in X with the following subtitle. Marvel would later remove the image, so many fans are thinking the post was a prank by the studio.

Recent reports have confirmed that the project’s branding changes are part of its marketing strategy. In fact, the topics presented are said to be similar to the program’s episodes. Now, this is not confirmed at this time.

The series had the following subtitles: House of Harkness, Covenant of Chaos and Dark Diaries. Later, Marvel announces that the show will simply be named after the main character.

The MCU Project will debut on Disney+ in late 2024.
