We find out if there will be White Walkers in Dragon House Season 2.

Caminantes Blancos

The presence of White Walkers in Dragon House is doubtful, but their shadow is felt throughout the series.

Dragon House, the prequel to GOT, has created a lot of expectations for its second season. In the first episode, “A Son to a Son”, a major reference to the White Walkers is made when Cregan Stark comments that the Wall was built to ward off “death”. However, despite this reference, it seems unlikely that the White Walkers will make a live appearance in the series.

Are the White Walkers in this timeline?

The answer is not easy. Dragon House is set 170 years before the events of GOT between Dance of Dragons. This historical period mainly focuses on the internal struggle of the Targaryen family. Although the presence of Cregan Stark and the hint to the North may indicate some connection, his role is very limited this season.

Although the White Walkers are not seen in person, their threat is present in the background of the story. In the first season, it was revealed that Aegon the Conqueror had a prophetic dream about the White Walkers, which he called “A Song of Ice and Fire.” This dream foretold a dark winter that only a Targaryen on the Iron Throne could experience.

King Viserys shared this dream with Ranaeera, who made her his heir. He unknowingly mentions it to Alicent on his deathbed, who takes it as a sign that her son should be king. This prophecy emphasizes the importance of the White Walkers in maintaining power with the Targaryens.

Cregan Stark and the wall reference

In his meeting with Jacares Velarion, Cregan mentions the real threat in the far northern lands, suggesting that although the White Walkers cannot be seen, their presence is felt. This speech emphasizes that the Walkers’ threat is still relevant even if they don’t appear directly in the series.

White Walkers, House of the Dragon White Walkers, Cregan Stark, Prophecy of Aegon the Conqueror, Season 2 House of the Dragon

Dragon House set photos have been seen showing boxes marked “Undead”, which could indicate the audience’s appearance. However, this is more likely to refer to dream sequences or visions than the physical appearance of the White Walkers in the series.

The big question remains what the White Walkers were doing in the thousands of years between the war for Dawn and their return in GOT. Some theories suggest that they were in a kind of sleep, while others think that they are slowly building their army. This lack of empirical data leaves room for many interpretations and possibilities.

The plot in the north

Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell, plays a pivotal role in this new season of House of Dragons. Despite a brief appearance in the first episode, the reference to the White Walkers and the warning tone focused on the threat of the North resonates throughout the series. Torn between his loyalty to the North and his support for Rhaenyra Targaryen, Cregan embodies the inner struggle that characterizes so many characters in this saga.

Comparisons between Kerrigan and other GOT characters like Jon Snow are inevitable. Both of the North’s leaders are deeply concerned about the threats beyond the wall. However, when Jon Snow confronts the White Walkers directly, Cregan finds himself in a place where the threat is still a shadow in history, more of a prophecy than an actual reality. This distinction emphasizes the importance of heritage and preparation in the world of Westeros.

White Walkers, House of the Dragon White Walkers, Cregan Stark, Prophecy of Aegon the Conqueror, Season 2 House of the Dragon

The relationship with the future

Even though we don’t see Walkers running around as much in GOT, their threat is still subtle. Aegon the Conqueror’s prophecy and the characters’ concerns in the North ensure that the White Walkers remain an integral part of the narrative. This is reflected in the decisions and motivations of the characters throughout the series.

Dragon House continues to air new episodes every Sunday at 9pm ET on HBO and Max, allowing viewers to revel in the complexity of the Targaryen story and the shadow of the White Walkers.