Ultimate Doctor Doom’s Dark Origin Revealed in Marvel Event, Ultimates #4

Doctor Doom

The Ultimate Universe’s new Doctor Doom is here, and his story promises to change everything.

The mysterious fate of The Fantastic Four in the new Ultimate Universe It has been one of the biggest unknowns since the revelation of the Final invasion. We knew there was an alternative version of Reed Richards had become the feared Doctor Doombut little was known about the fate of his team. This finally changes in issue 4. The last oneswritten by Deniz Camp and Phil Noto’s art shed light on the team’s tragic end and the dark birth of this new Doom.

A surprising narrative format

The comic presents a unique structure, organized in tetraptych (or quadriptych) format, in the sense that each page is divided into four panels. These panels can be read in two ways: from top to bottom, following the traditional page structure, or from left to right, allowing horizontal line reading. This double reading generates a different emotional impact depending on the order in which the reader chooses to follow the story, making certain moments stand out even more.

THE first row of panels reveals how The Fantastic Four They were formed in this world. The second shows the tragic path that led to Reed Richards become Doctor Doom. In the third we see Doom is working on an experimentwatching videos from the past. Finally, the fourth line shows a conversation between Doom and Tony Stark in the present. Although the reading order does not alter the development of events, it does modulate the intensity with which certain key plot points are experienced.

The Tragic Fall of the Fantastic Four

The most devastating event of the The last ones Number 4 is the discovery that Reed Richards he blames himself for death of his companions of equipment: Her Tempest, BenGrimm And Johnny’s Storm. In this version of the universe, Reed flew an illegal space mission that ended in disaster. John the Baptist He was burned alive by cosmic radiation, while Sue contracted an incurable cancer due to the same exposure. Although Ben Grimm survivedhis reputation was ruined by the catastrophe, which eventually led to him take your life.

This tragic turn of events puts Reed in a emotionally vulnerable placemarked by guilt and grief, making him worthy of the title of Doctor Doom. But it was not only his legal responsibility that tormented him, but also the evil influence of the Creatoran evil version of Reed Richards from the original universe of Final.

Doctor Doom

The Birth of Doctor Doom

Him Creatorin an attempt to manipulate and undermine your counterparthe submits it psychological torture. With calculated coldness, he pushes him to adopt the name of Destinywith the cruel phrase: everything you touch, everything you are, everything you love, is destined to die. The Creator’s goal was break the barrel and neutralize the only being he believed capable of stopping his plans. However, this plan could have been a mistake.

Far from breaking Reed, this torment seems to have done so. lit a fire inside. Now, with full awareness of what his life and that of his family could have been, Reed is obsessed with saving themsimilarly to how Victor of Doom In the past he was obsessed with revenge.

How far will this new Doom go?

Although the Reed’s Personal Tragedy he transformed it into an imposing one Doctor DoomIt remains to be seen whether he will follow in the dark footsteps of Victor of Doom or if he will try to find a different redemption. His the pain and its obsession saving his family could lead him to equally dangerous extremes, but the potential to become a hero remains latent.

Doctor Doom, Doctor Death, Marvel, Marvel Comics

The interaction between Doom and Tony Stark in the present is a clear indication that his plans are far from over. However, the shadow of the creator continues to hide, and the comparison between both versions of Reed Richards It seems inevitable.

The Future of the Ultimate Universe

Number #4 The last ones it was a turning point in the narration of the new Ultimate Universe. With an innovative approach to storytelling and deep emotional twists, this comic promises redefine power dynamics between heroes and villains in this alternate universe. Fans are now wondering what this new version will be like Doctor Doom and whether he will really be the ultimate villain or whether there will be room for redemption in his future.

The last ones #4 is now available in comic book shops and is a must-read for any comic book fan. The Fantastic Four and alternate versions of their favorite heroes.