Top 10 Legend of Zelda Games to Prepare for Echoes of Wisdom

Link and Zelda traveling by train on the cover of The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.

Echoes of Wisdoma brand new version, has many fans The Legend of Zelda eager for a change of pace. However, its puzzle-centric nature isn’t as different from the rest of the series as some players might think. Puzzles have been at the heart of Zelda since its inception, with some titles focusing more on them than others.

While there are more action-oriented games on newer, more powerful hardware, The more cerebral aspect of the series is a strong part of games like Tears of the Kingdom Or A link to the past. This makes some games in the series a perfect way to warm up for a new game that puts thinking first.

This classic has a great puzzle design

Originally released on the SNES, A link to the past shows that the idea of ​​an open world Zelda has been around much longer than games like Breath of the Wild. For most of the game, players can take on multiple challenges in any order they choose with impressive freedom. The more open-world than usual and its various cognitive challenges require thoughtful strategy.

Like many great escape room type puzzles, A link to the past often requires certain items to progress when challenged. This gives the game a more interconnected feel than it would otherwise. In doing so, mental obstacles in the game help to make A link to the past in a large unified area which is affected by the player’s actions, prior knowledge and skills.

9 Spirit Tracks focuses on an unconventional team

It is still considered the first playable Zelda

Link and Zelda traveling by train on the cover of The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.

One of the most obvious ways Spiritual Tracks shows ideas used later for Echoes of Wisdom is the appearance of Zelda herself. Although she is a spirit in this game, she can move around and experience the same adventure as Link. Even the system in which she has enemies called Ghosts is reminiscent of Zelda’s ability to clone enemies in Echoes.

In much of its gameplay, Spiritual Tracks looks more like a puzzle game than a traditional top-down action-adventure game. Players move using the stylus instead of standard buttons, giving the game an air of careful movement and positioning. By changing the gameplay, Spiritual Tracks encourages players to consider their moves in a much more cognitive way. Additionally, Zelda’s appearance as a controllable ghost gives the game more options, further expanding its gameplay to include more chances for players to think.

8 The Minish Cap keeps players on their toes

Small size creates a bigger world

A black sheep in the franchise, The Minish Cap is one of the few Zelda games created by Capcom, which contributed to the development of several titles for portable consoles. Despite this, it perfectly illustrates the progression of the series’ objects and its dedication to a single main idea. Its fundamental mechanic is that Link can change size, greatly increasing the possibilities for exploration and puzzles.

The ability to switch between two perspectives in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap The risk factors are numerous and provide a significant challenge throughout the game. Viewing a situation from multiple levels makes the game much more open, especially when this mechanic is centered on one section of gameplay. Additionally, the game features a mechanic involving controlling multiple copies of Link, which creates even more potential for clever and complex puzzles in the later sections of The Minish Cap.

7 The Legend of Zelda is a puzzle in every way

The roots of the series are still relevant today

Link fights Octorok in the original Legend of Zelda for the NES.

The original The Legend of Zeldawhich comes from an era when games were designed to waste time, is — by nature — a difficult puzzle to solve. Very little information is provided to the player in the manual or by the game, which offers only cryptic and poorly translated clues. Because of this, any progression these days feels like fighting the game itself. This can be quite enjoyable with the right attitude and patience.

Each Zelda The game features puzzles, but only the original deliberately hides information from the player. With that in mind, The Legend of ZeldaThe otherwise simplistic gameplay makes the game feel like a collection of mental challenges. Players are forced to gather what little they can find and figure out the solution to basic problems like weapon upgrades or dungeon discovery.

Two different configurations for exceptional game design

Link looks at Hyrule Castle in The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds.

Despite its mostly straightforward action-adventure gameplay, the unique part of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds makes the game feel like it is framed by a puzzle. This is reminiscent of a particular genre of puzzle games where players can switch between two worlds or perspectives of a level, which A link between worlds embodies with great effect.

Link can sneak between Hyrule and Lorule, which have similar geography, but any other blockages in one world are usually open in the other. This creates a situation where the player is looking for points to move between the two realms to solve many of the game’s puzzles. With this mechanic, A link between worlds allows for some great puzzle solving that doesn’t detract from the rest of the game’s action. In doing so, the game truly has something for everyone, and the puzzles and combat make each other more enjoyable.

5 Majora’s Mask is built around ready-to-use solutions

Believe the hype: This older favorite is worth playing for puzzle fans

Although it is one of the most beloved games in the series, Majora’s Mask is a strange exit for The Legend of Zelda. Almost entirely opposed to Ocarina of TimeThis game focuses on a smaller map, more developed NPCs, and a darker tone. Because of this, it draws more on the puzzle aspects of previous titles, with players expected to travel around the world to obtain items that solve esoteric challenges.

Most masks in the game exist for a specific purpose and are found through exploration or as rewards for sometimes complicated side quests. With the mask mechanic, Majora’s Mask feels more focused on world design using unconventional solutions to solve various puzzles. Items found through exploration or quests were quite rare for the time of the series, which previously focused more on dungeon design.

4 Four Swords Adventures Makes Teamwork a Puzzle

Unique options are multiplied in this title

Four Links explore the Lost Woods in The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.

As one of the few titles in the franchise focused on multiplayer, The Adventures of the Four Swords offers several ways to create previously unseen problems. Each player controls their respective Link, allowing the developers to create puzzles with multiple moving pieces that would otherwise be impossible in a standard title. This freedom makes the game’s challenges a great change of pace for Zelda Fans.

For players looking for challenging puzzles to prepare for a less action-oriented title, the single player mode of The Adventures of the Four Swords promises tricky puzzles that require quick thinking and reactions due to the need to control 4 Links at once. This creates tension as players are forced to plan their route through a puzzle without all the information needed to complete it. This creates an experience that can be frustrating at times but enjoyable to understand.

3 Oracle of Ages is an adventure through time

This game lays the foundation for later favorites

Featuring similar mechanics to games like Majora’s Mask, Oracle of the Ages is the counterpart of Oracle of the seasons. Although both Gameboy Color games are built on the mechanics of Link’s Awakening, Age focuses more on puzzles than action. Players can jump from one moment to the next, with the options available to them expanding throughout the game.

In every aspect of its design, Age aims to make players think more than typical franchise titles of the time. Several elements of the game include a necessary secondary trait that players must remember, such as the Seed Shooter’s projectiles bouncing off walls at an angle. Additionally, combat focuses on finding specific enemy weaknesses rather than simply swinging a sword at them. In this way, Age“His dedication to complex interactions makes him unique among many others Zelda securities.

This always varied title deserves its remake

Bow Wow cameo in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.

With a recent remake in the same style as Echoes, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening The game focuses on the uniqueness of each area. Each main dungeon offers a completely different category of puzzles, leading to an extremely varied experience from start to finish. For example, some dungeons like Eagle’s Tower focus on verticality and moving between floors, while the optional Color Dungeon focuses on matching different states of different switches.

Players must use multiple ways of thinking to succeed throughout their game. Link’s Awakening creates a dynamic gameplay loop by dedicating itself to a design that constantly tests different skills. In doing so, its progression feels like it complements the player’s mental processing, rather than simply adding new complications. The game’s design allows Link’s Awakening feel like a puzzle-based adventure.

1 Tears of the Kingdom fills empty space with clever design

Players create their own entertainment with open-ended mechanics

In addition to all the praise he has already received, Tears of the Kingdom does best by forcing players to create their own puzzles. Having access to the tools has been enough for many players to experiment while roaming the vast open world. Even in a game with as much content as this one, the little empty space that remains can be constantly filled with the thrill of experimenting with the game’s mechanics.

In addition to the great freedom offered, TotK also features many detailed and open-ended puzzles in its core gameplay. Many shrines feature multiple moving parts and requires mastery of the game to complete them in one of their many intended solutions, providing much-needed replay value that some of its predecessor’s challenges lacked. Echoes of Wisdom has half the freedom that TearsThis will be a great choice for any player who preferred the puzzles of previous games.