Tim Miller reveals the low salary he received for directing Deadpool and reflects on his experience filming the film

Tim Miller reveals the low salary he received for directing Deadpool and reflects on his experience filming the film

Deadpool was a million-dollar hit but left a surprisingly small salary for its first-time director, Tim Miller.

When Dead Pool released in cinemas in 2016, not only did it break records as one of the highest-grossing adult filmsbut it also boosted the career of its director, Tim Miller. However, The financial success of the film did not translate into a large compensation for him. In a recent interview with Collider, Miller talks about the reality of directing a Hollywood film for the first timeeven when this turns out to be a global phenomenon.

The truth behind a first-time director’s salary

“They might not know it, but Being a first-time director in Hollywood isn’t particularly lucrative.“Miller commented. The director received $225,000 for directing Dead Poolwhich might seem like a considerable amount, but which, according to him, That’s not much considering he dedicated two years of work to the project. Compared to the $782 million the film grossed at the box office, your salary is less.

Deadpool, Marvel, Marvel Studios, Ryan Reynolds, Tim Miller

Miller, far from appearing ungrateful, said: “I’m very grateful, I really am. This is what you have to do when you are a first-time director. But my agent said, ‘Man, you could make more money to direct an episode of The walking dead!’”.

A franchise that changed your life, but with some “what ifs?”

Dead Poolhero Ryan Reynoldsit was not only a commercial success, but marked a milestone by establishing a profitable model for superhero films aimed at adult audiences. Although Miller says he feels lucky to have been part of such an influential franchise, He admits he can’t help but think about what could have been.

dead Pooldead Pool

“I feel unique and lucky to have been part of something so big. But then I think: I wish my contracts had included some merchandising. “So I could have made some money from all this.”

Miller’s legacy and the evolution of Deadpool

Miller did not return to direct Deadpool 2 in 2018, a position he assumed David Leitch. Despite that, The franchise hasn’t stopped growingand with Disney’s acquisition of Fox, Deadpool has been integrated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). In 2024, Deadpool and Wolverinedirected by Shawn Levytook the character to new heights.

Although Miller did not receive the large salary that might have been expected after such enormous success, his work with Dead Pool consolidated his reputation in Hollywood and opened the doors to future projects. Your experience it doesn’t just serve as a reminder of how the sector works for new talentbut also of the importance of knowing how to negotiate when you are about to be part of something huge.

better than hoursbetter than hours

The director who marked the path of a unique antihero

The success of Dead Pool It lies not only in its direction, but also in its protagonist. Ryan Reynolds, who played the Merc with a Mouthhe fought for years to bring the character to the big screen. Reynolds not only starred in the film, but was instrumental in the marketing campaign and maintaining the essence of the original antihero.. His dedication to the role and his ability to connect with the audience meant that the character became a cultural phenomenon, marking a difference from other traditional superheroes.

Unlike characters like Iron Man or Captain America, Dead Pool He opted for an irreverent, sarcastic and more human approach. The alchemy between the screenplay, Miller’s direction and Reynolds’ acid humor helped redefine the adult superhero genre.. This created a solid foundation that allowed the character to have continuity and success in future installments, even after Miller’s departure.