Tim Burton Reflects on His Time With Batman and Whether He Would Make Another Superhero Movie

Batman - Tim Burton

Tim Burton Talks About Returning to Superhero World After Directing Batman and Batman Returns

Batman and Batman Returns director Tim Burton has commented that he is not interested in making superhero films at the moment.

Tim Burton Doesn’t Want to Make Another Superhero Movie

During an interview with Variety, the popular director was asked if he would be interested in returning to the world of superheroes or if that phase of his career was simply over. The director was quite clear in his answer.

“At this point I would say no. I see things from different points of view, so I would never say never to anything. But at this moment it is not something that interests me.”

“I was lucky because at that time the word ‘franchise’ didn’t exist. Batman seemed a little experimental at the time… It was a departure from what the perception might have been. [de una película de superhéroes]. So we didn’t get that kind of feedback from the studios, and being in England, it was even more different. We were able to really focus on the movie and not think about the things that they think about before they even make it. That’s when we started hearing the word franchise and the studio started asking, ‘What is that black stuff coming out of Penguin’s mouth?’ It was the first time I’d ever had cold air come on me.”

Burton’s next film will be Bitelchus Bitelchuswhich will be released in theaters on September 6, 2024.