The ultimate form of each Dragon Ball villain, classified

Images of Tien, Beerus and Kid Buu in Dragon Ball Z

Goku and the rest of the Dragon Ball The actors never take their strength to acquire. Everyone is always ready to immerse themselves in rigorous training, but the transformations have helped many main characters to reduce distance, transforming forms into a shortcut to grow. It is difficult not to immediately notice a variation or a color of the Super Saiyan when you think about it. Dragon Ball transformations, but there is something to say Dbz And Dragon Ball SuperThe forms of the villain.

Most Dragon BallThe most powerful bad guys to even display multiple transformations, but all these alternative forms are not created equal. Whether it is the last round they have in their bag or simply a stroke of luck that gave them the raw power they needed to face Goku, the ultimate forms of these bad guys are an important part of which means that the Dragon Ball so convincing franchise.


Table of Contents

5 characters from Dragon Ball Z who were better when they were mean

Dragon Ball is full of inspiring redemption stories, but some of the best heroes of the anime had a greater impact on the vicious bad guys.


Super Garlic Jr. cannot literally be killed

Beginnings in anime: Dragon Ball Z, film 1, “Dead Zone”; Manga start: n/a

Garlic Jr. is not Dragon Ball ZThe most popular bad guy, but he deserves a certain credit to be the only antagonist in the film to make his way in the animated series. Super Garlic Jr. is almost like a transformation parody. Garlic Jr. is a small terror in its basic shape which is no different from the Emperor Pilaf. He lacks physical strength like this, which is why he generally has hordes of demons to do his dirty job in his place.

Super Garlic Jr. mainly takes the head of Garlic Jr. and puts it on Broly’s body. It becomes a huge mountain of muscles which is not only considerably stronger than before, but it now also dominates its opponents. Super Garlic Jr. does not suffer from many drawbacks and this villain would probably get more respect if he was still operating in this ultimate form, rather than his puny predecessor. However, despite its solidity, its design seems a bit ridiculous.


The young king Piccolo conquered the world and almost killed Goku

Beginnings in the anime: Dragon Ball, episode 112, “The wish of King Piccolo”; Beginnings in the manga: Dragon Ball, chapter 147, “The demon king of the past … Restored!”

The demon king restored by the Piccolo youth is sitting on a throne in Dragon Ball.
Image via toei animation

The original Dragon BallThe demon piccolo king of represents a crucial turning point for the series and presents what is technically the first transformation of a villain. To be clear, King Piccolo does not trigger a second higher evolution, but rather uses the Dragon Balls to give him back his youth. At this young age, King Piccolo has maximum power and force, which allows the young King Piccolo to serve the same objective as a transformation. King Piccolo has existed for centuries, it is therefore logical that his skills and strength have regressed over time.



15 most mastered Dragon Ball villains, classified

Dragon Ball is not lacking in convincing bad guys, but some antagonists are too controlled and out of control for their own good.

The strength of King Piccolo has never been questioned, but he does not seem particularly intimidating when his old age is seen. The younger version of Demon King Piccolo looks like a generic namek according to modern standards, but is a refreshing change in rhythm compared to the original. Dragon Ball. King Piccolo also doesn’t waste time showing how strong it has become. The destruction of Shenron by King Piccolo is one of the Dragon BallThe most surprising moments of and a sequence that strengthens its true power.


Full Power Granolah is a celebration of cereal strength

Department in anime: n/a; Beginnings in manga: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 68, “Granolah the Survivor”

Granolah takes its full power cereal shape in the Dragon Ball Super manga.
Image via Shueisha

Granolah is one of the most fascinating original characters in Dragon Ball SuperIt’s a manga. He ends up becoming an ally of Goku and Vegeta during their fight against the HEETER force, but he is presented as an extremely devoted bad guy to take revenge on the Saiyans. Granolah is the last of his cereal people and turns to an unstable Dragon Ball wish to become the strongest in universe 7, although at the expense of a considerably shortened lifespan. This wish improves Granolah’s capacities and facilitates its ascent to Full Power Granolah. There are very subtle differences in this form, but its performance is of a completely different level.

On the one hand, Granolah wins an evolved right eye, which is a particularly powerful brand of cerealians. This evolved right eye gives Granolah give impressive elite shooting capacities, but its perception capacities are also amplified, which helps it to deduce the true power of targets and identify their vital points and their weak points. The power of Granolah reaches such extremes which he also reaches an evolved left eye also. This Boost helps him to take the advantage against Ultra Ego Vegeta and Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku.


Super Full Power Jiren dominates the power tournament

Beginnings in anime: Dragon Ball Super, episode 130, “The biggest confrontation of all time! The ultimate survival battle!” ; Beginnings in manga: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 42, “End and consequences of the battle”

Dragon Ball SuperThe tournament of the present power of dozens of deadly adversaries, but Jiren of the universe 11 stands out as the ultimate competition. Jiren spends a large part of the martial arts competition in meditation, but even then, his superior strength is detected. The growing victories of the 7 universe pushed Jiren to go into full power mode, but to draw from the traumatic memories of his past and face this pain pushes him towards his ultimate form, Super Full Power Jiren.


10 worst transformations of bad guys in Dragon Ball Super, classified

Dragon Ball Super brings memorable villains in the mixture, but many enemies suffer from dull transformations.

Super Full Power Jiren has increased its muscle mass, which says a lot about an already extremely muscular character. The most striking detail of the ultimate form of Jiren is that he acquires a shimmering red aura which sparkles with crimson particles. It really gives Super Full Power Jiren a supernatural aspect. It is a final form worthy of such a important tournament that lasts so long.


Copy Angel Power Moro turns ultra instinct against Goku

Department in anime: n/a; Beginnings in manga: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 65, “Son Goku, Terrien”

Moro (Merus Absorbed) admires his new power in the Dragon Ball Super manga.
Image via Shueisha

Planet-Eater Moro is a convincing villain who borrows some of the best qualities of Majin Buu, Demon King Piccolo and Cell. Moro is a former magic user who has had millions of years to concoct the perfect plan to take up power and take revenge on those who have wronged him. Moro has a very decrepit appearance when presented, which makes his transition to his young and stronger ego all the more striking. Some prefer the nasty quality to the appearance of Moro in his older state, but his transformations go even further thanks to his absorption capacities. Moro absorbs Sept-Trois, who also has a copy of Moro at his maximum preserved power, which triggers the birth of Moro Transformed or Moro (Sept-Trois absorbed).

If that was not enough, Transformed Moro later acquired the power of Merus, an angel, who transforms him into Copy Angel Power Moro or Moro (Merus Absorbed). Moro (Merus Absorbed) has the ultra instinct perfect power, which leads to an epic confrontation against Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku. This version of Moro always has the “cell-like” design present in Transformed Moro, but his brown fur becomes white, which has a more striking effect. The body of Copy Angel Power Moro is ultimately unable to treat his ultra instinct-instinct power, which pushes Moro to absorb and merge with the earth itself. It is the final act of the battle, but Moro (Merus Absorbed) is the strongest and most effective form.


Super Perfect Cell is maximum perfection

Beginnings in anime: Dragon Ball Z, episode 188, “The farewell of a hero”; Beginnings in manga: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 219 (Dragon Ball Chapter 413), “La Pain de Gohan”

Super Perfect Cell returns to Dragon Ball Z.
Image via toei animation

Dragon Ball Z‘S cell experiences revealing transformations as it evolves from its imperfect self to its perfect form. Perfect Cell perhaps lacks the personality of his predecessor, but he has the royal look that we expect from a Dragon Ball Z wicked. Cell reaches unexpectedly to go further when he reaches himself after self -destruction and acquires part of Goku’s DNA in the process. Cell returns under the name of Super Perfect Cell, which looks like before, but now has the same golden aura as Super Saiyan 2 Gohan which crackles with electricity.

Super Perfect Cell has the same skills and advantages as before, but it has also acquired Goku’s most recent techniques, such as instant transmission. SPC is the most powerful version of Cell, which apparently surpasses what Dr. Gero thought possible with this creation. You could say that Cell Max is an even more powerful version of Cell, but this is an original improved creation from the original plans of Dr. Gero.


Awakened Gas calmly confronts the strongest characters in Dragon Ball

Department in anime: n/a; Beginnings in manga: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 80, “Gas vs. Granolah, part 2”

Awakened Gas presents himself proudly in the Dragon Ball Super manga.
Image via Shueisha

Gas becomes the main villain of Dragon Ball Superis Granolah the Survivor Saga, even if he is undoubtedly a victim of the circumstances which just wants to make his brother proud. Gas, like Granolah before him, becomes the strongest in universe 7 thanks to a desire for Dragon Ball in Toronbo. Gas receives an increase in spectacular power, but he does not yet change physically. This increased power helps Gas to control and restrict its Berserker Inner Nature Unleashed state, which transforms it into Awakened Gas.


These Dragon Ball Z fights are so good that you will never want to watch another anime again

Dragon Ball Z has made a name for incredible fights with which even modern anime find it difficult to compete.

Awakened Gas stood up to True Ultra Instinct Goku, Ultra Ego Vegeta and Full Power Granolah, which is not an easy task. It does not seem so different from its basic form, but it gives off greater confidence which gives it the feeling of being a real villain. Awakened Gas’s Dragon Ball wish catches up with it and it becomes Aged Gas, which looks like a powerful zombie. His body collapses and has trouble working, but he is always able to channel remarkable power.


Even Vegito Blue could not kill Fused Zamasu

Beginnings in anime: Dragon Ball Super, episode 64, “love me! Loy me! The explosive birth of a merged Zamasu!” ; Beginnings in manga: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 22, “The final asset of Zamas”

Fused Zamasu stands up to Goku and Vegeta in combat in Dragon Ball Super.
Image via toei animation

Dragon Ball Super Explore really interesting ideas with regard to the meticulous plan of Goku Black and Future Zamasu to exterminate all mortals. Goku Black, simply as a concept, is terrifying and Dragon Ball Super Take advantage of this dissonance. Goku Black and Future Zamasu eventually merge with Potara earrings and become Fused Zamasu, who inaugurates the final phase of the arc. Fused Zamasu is a unique combination of characters because it is essentially a fusion between two versions of Zamasu.

Fused Zamasu acquires GO and the hair of Goku Black, while a celestial aura and halo indicate that this ultimate form has evolved towards a divine creature. Fused Zamasu succeeds in the design and strength, and it facilitates a fantastic fusion fight against Vegito Blue. In fact, Fused Zamasu acquires an even more striking design once the Kamehameha of Vegito Blue is infected and corrupt half of his body.


Super Buu’s “Buuhan” form is the most powerful villain of Dragon Ball Z

Beginnings in anime: Dragon Ball Z, episode 267, “ready to merge”; Beginnings in the manga: Dragon Ball Z, chapter 308 (Dragon Ball Chapter 502), “Will the Potara prevail?!”

Majin Buu is pure chaos and responsible for some of the Dragon Ball ZThe most extreme battles. All forms of Buu are powerful and terrifying in their own way. Kid Buu is perhaps the last opponent of the Arc, but he is not the strongest. More specifically, Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed), also known as “Buuhan”, East. Super Buu is already extremely dangerous on its own, but Buuhan adds the raw power of Ultimate Gohan to the mixture. It is also important to remember that Gohan’s absorption by Super Buu comes after he has already absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo.

Buuhan’s appearance is more like Gohan because of his GI fight, but he also retains the strength of his previous absorptions. Buuhan is Buu to his best and the version of the villain who faces Vegito. The combined merger of Goku and Vegeta ends up taking over, but Buuhan’s power should not be underestimated. It’s scary to have an apocalyptic antagonist who can also fight with Gohan’s techniques.


Black Freezer reminds the public why he is the ultimate antagonist of Dragon Ball

Department in anime: n/a; Beginnings in the manga: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 87, “The strongest in the universe appears”

Black Freezer is revealed in the manga of Dragon Ball Super.
Image via Shueisha

Freezer’s long fight against Super Saiyan Goku on Namek has helped make him an unforgettable antagonist. Frieza has achieved its objective and helped the concept of transformation to evolve by pushing it further than ever. As if four forms and an additional full power at 100 % was not enough, Dragon Ball Super Make the villain even stronger with its Golden Freezer, True Golden Freezer and now Black Freezer forms. Black Freezer is undeniably the “ultimate” form of Freezer and has already proven to be powerful enough to simultaneously neutralize Ultra Ego Vegeta and True Ultra Instinct Goku. Black Freezer is only briefly seen in a single chapter in the manga, but the presence of this transformation dominated everything that followed.

Freezer has reached this new form after the equivalent of a decade of training in a hyperbolic time pocket dimension. Golden Freezer was reached after only four months of training, which contributes to highlighting the gravity of the force of Black Freezer. Black Freezer is perhaps powerful enough to kill Gas and launch plans of multi-life domination, but the design of the form is not particularly inspired. Fans have criticized the fact that Golden Freezer is just a palette exchange for the fourth form of Freezer, rather than something completely different, and Black Freezer offers the same thing more. It looks almost like the kind of transformation that comes out of the fan fiction.

The casting of Dragon Ball Z, including characters such as Son Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo, among others, heads for the camera on the series poster.

Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball tells the story of a young warrior named Son Goku, a private young boy with a tail who embarks on a quest to become stronger and learns the existence of Dragon Balls, when, once the 7 gathered , grants any desire for choice.

Created by

Akira Toriyama

First TV show

Dragon Ball

Last TV show

Dragon Ball Daima

Date of broadcast of the first episode

April 26, 1989