The theory about the Scarlet Witch makes her death even more tragic

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The trailer for Agatha All Along has set off alarms among MCU fans, hinting at a dark theory that could make Scarlet Witch’s death even more heartbreaking.

Since Doctor Strange left Wanda Maximoff’s fate up in the air in the Multiverse of Madness, the speculation has not stopped. Although the film hinted at his death, many hoped for his return. However, after those hopes began to show in the first Agatha Ol’ Ang teaser, Aubrey Plaza’s character confirms that “that witch is gone.”

MCU concept

If the Scarlet Witch dies, it’s a very sad way to conclude her story. Wanda survived a series of horrific events in the MCU, and had a brief moment of redemption before sacrificing herself in Doctor Strange 2. Although she could return, like many heroes in the MCU, Marvel seems to have sealed her fate. A tragic event in the history of Wanda. Her death is made all the more tragic after an important detail mentioned in the Agatha All Along trailer that established a grim and sinister concept.

The Agatha All Along trailer begins with Agatha examining a dead body. It is not known whose body it is, but in the mortuary it says “W. Maximoff” and various dates. According to Variety, Agatha is “examining Wanda’s body. However, this cannot be the same Wanda, as she died in her Scarlet Witch costume and is believed to be buried under the ruins of Castle Darkhold on Mount Wundagore.

According to the theory, the body could be that of Wanda from Earth-838, a variation of Doctor Strange 2 that protects her children from Wanda from Earth-616 when they travel through the multiverse. The blue sweater and jeans on the corpse look like what Wanda 838 wore during the Doctor Strange finale.

Agatha All Along, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Scarlet Witch, UCM Theory, Wanda Maximoff

A more tragic death

Wanda’s decision to sacrifice herself came after she visited this difference and her children. Seeing the frightened faces of Wanda 838 and her children, Wanda 616 decided to forgive the other, realizing that this family is real and should not be destroyed for selfish desires. By destroying the temple, he ensures that no one else will ever be tempted by the darkness again, and that Wanda 838 can remain the true mother of his children.

If it’s true that Wanda 838 is dead, it would destroy some of Wanda 616’s sacrifices, but it would also create a harsh reality for the alternate family. The Scarlet Witch’s sacrifice would be pointless, because the alternate Wanda would die anyway, and Billy and Tommy 838 no longer have a mother. Another Wanda is dead, removing the effect of her honor sacrifice. However, if the speculation about the character’s identity is correct, this could lead to a larger plot in Agatha All Aang.

Death to return

Apart from Agatha, the identity of the members involved in this show is being kept secret. Following the first trailer, there are theories that Joe Locke could be playing Billy Kaplan, one of Wanda’s twins. Since Wanda’s 616 children disappeared at the end of WandaVision, this version of Locke could be a different universe or a strange reincarnation of the MCU version. Alternately, Billy could be the Earth-838 version, now seeking answers about his mother’s mysterious death.

Agatha All Along, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Scarlet Witch, UCM Theory, Wanda Maximoff

She may end up working with Agatha in search of answers, having previously crossed paths with the Scarlet Witch as she experienced her mother’s differences. The pair travel through the Witches’ Road, a magical plane filled with danger and mystery. Wanda may have teleported here after giving herself up, and Billy wants to get answers about his mother or see a version of her again. This is still a theory, but if Agatha All Along goes in this direction, it would make Wanda’s ending even more tragic.