The Spanish Comic White Paper is here to stay.


The comics industry aims to validate and improve the industry through the Comics White Paper, giving the media, bookstores, authors and other members a voice.

In a protected room in Madrid, the curtain has been drawn on a masterpiece in progress: the White Book of Comics in Spain. It’s not just a document; It’s a future told in drawings and dreams, where every page is the heartbeat of Spanish comics. This joint effort led by the Sectorial del Comique is more than a report: it is a manifesto, a statement of intent and a precious map for those who want to understand and improve this vibrant sector.

Comics Challenges in Spain, Spanish Comics Industry, White Paper on Comics in Spain, Important Actions for Comics, Comics Sector

The purpose of this project

At the heart of this project, we’ve got over 650 professionals from creators to translators and editors united with one goal. For three years, these comic book heroes have uncovered the secrets of the industry and outlined not only the present, but also the future. It’s a journey that goes beyond the pages in all corners of the comic world in Spain.

But what does this mirror show for the sector? It boasts over 1000 active artists, 1500 live performances, 200 unique bookstores, and more. Every number is a story, every statistic is a dream come true. Sales, overcoming the challenges of the pandemic, tell us a story of resilience and passion that refuses to be silenced.

Challenges on the funny way

However, not everything is a bed. The White Book of Comics in Spain doesn’t mince words when it highlights the challenges: the struggle of Spanish authors to find a place in a market dominated by translations, the continuing gender gap and digital challenges lurking on the horizon. But in every challenge there is an opportunity for growth, a call to action.

The document ends with a strong cry: “8 important steps” that the sector wants from public institutions. From artist legislation to cultural heritage protection, each question is a step towards a comics utopia in Spain. They are beyond questions; They are the collective voice of a sector that strives not only to survive, but to thrive.

Comics Challenges in Spain, Spanish Comics Industry, White Paper on Comics in Spain, Important Actions for Comics, Comics SectorComics Challenges in Spain, Spanish Comics Industry, White Paper on Comics in Spain, Important Actions for Comics, Comics Sector

Implementation and development of artist law. Tax Title and Certain Qualifications Provisions for Comic Creators. Develop special aids to create comedy. It plans to promote the reading of comics, increase their visibility and promote them. An Introduction to Comics in Different Curricula. Improving comic availability in public libraries. Protection against the challenges of digital transformation and artificial intelligence. Conservation of art and cultural heritage.

The evolution of Spanish comedy

From its humble beginnings, comics in Spain have charted a remarkable path, moving from traditional comics to complex works of art that capture the essence of Spanish culture and society. This metamorphosis, documented in the white paper, shows us how the comic is adapting and evolving with the generations as a mirror of the social and political changes in the country. The history of Spanish comics is, in many ways, a reflection of Spain’s own history of joy, struggle, and the constant search for identity.

Looking to the future, the comics sector in Spain will face global challenges such as digitization and international competition while maintaining its cultural diversity. This delicate balance between preserving tradition and embracing innovation is critical to its survival and prosperity. White Paper not only celebrates the past of Spanish comics, but also illuminates a vibrant and sustainable future where creativity and artistic expression continue to be protagonists.

Comics Challenges in Spain, Spanish Comics Industry, White Paper on Comics in Spain, Important Actions for Comics, Comics SectorComics Challenges in Spain, Spanish Comics Industry, White Paper on Comics in Spain, Important Actions for Comics, Comics Sector

A growing sector

A white paper is not the end of history, but the beginning of a new era. In its free online publication, everyone is invited to be a part of this dynamic narrative. It’s an invitation to fans, creators, dreamers and those who don’t know yet who love comics, to join us on this journey to a future where every panel counts and every voice is heard.
