The power rings showed the creation of these magical items, but who were their owners?
The second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, it’s about to end. In this last chapter we could witness the definitive fall of Eregionthe city ruled by the blacksmith Celebrimborforger of Rings of power. These small magical artifacts have been the focus of this last season, we have seen how the nineteen rings for the three races were forged and how Sauron attempted to interfere with their process to carry out their master plan.
At the beginning of the season we could see how the three elven rings were claimed by three characters of that race. We also saw the creation of the seven rings of dwarves and the nine rings of men, but almost no information was given about which characters took possession of them.
Who are the bearers of the elven rings?
Except for the Unique ringelven rings are the ones with the most information and the most powerful. They were the only ones Sauron could ever touch or participate in their creation, so they were not affected by the corruption of the Dark Lord, although they were tied to the fate of the Unique ring.

As seen in the series, the three rings have already been claimed. Gil-Galad was made with Villathe blue ring; Galadriel is the bearer of Nenyathe white ring; I was eatingthe red ring, is claimed by Cirdanone of the oldest and most respected elves in the world. Middle Earth.
Who are the ring bearers of the dwarves?
They were the first power rings created by Celebrimbor with the collaboration of Sauron. In the writings of Tolkienonly the name of one of the dwarf carriers is known, Durin III, the king de Khazad-dûm and by which it is interpreted Peter Mullan in The Rings of Power.
The names of the other bearers of these power rings are not known, but it can be assumed that the bearers were the lords of the other six dwarf clans, which is shown in the series. It stands to reason that the power granted by these items was held by the most important dwarves of each clan, which is why the owners of these rings were the leaders of the clans. Long beards, Fire beard, Barbatiese, Stone feet, Buttocks, Iron fists Yes Moreno.
While these rings initially appear to have brought a time of greatness and prosperity, they brought the dwarves nothing but bad luck. Although they resisted the corruption of Sauronthey made the bearers more greedy and grumpy, bringing bad luck to their people. In the series, the great danger lurks Khazad-dûm and how his king preferred to ignore him. Those who have read Tolkien or seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy or the Hobbits From Peter Jacksonthey know that this is but the beginning of the fall of the dwarves.
Who are the bearers of men’s rings?
If there is little information about the rings of the dwarves, there is even less about the rings of the nine men. As the name indicates, the Nine They were given to humans and are only known to have been great kings, warriors or sorcerers. Unlike the dwarves, the men who wore these rings were corrupted by the influence of Sauronbecoming obsessed with power and wealth and prolonging his life unnaturally. In time, the bearers of the nine rings would become the Nazgul or Ghoststhe most faithful and feared servants of Dark Lordan empty shell of what was once the greatest of men.

Of the nine Nazgulfor which most information is available Khamul the Oriental, the second in command among these wraiths after the Witch-king of Angmar. It is known that he comes from the southern lands, Spin. In this second season, the story of the pelolos and The stranger brought them to said eastern lands, where they face a Dark Sorcererwhich may end up being the case in the future Khamul. It would match the descriptions of Tolkien about who they were Nazgul and it would also explain why he is second in command.
The other spectrum that has a name (or at least a title) is the Witch-king of Angmar, the leader of Nine and the most loyal follower of Sauron. Nothing is known except that he was someone very powerful. Tolkien he said at least three of the rings were originally awarded to “great lords” of Númenor. Whereas the Numenoreans were the best among men and the power of gods Witch Kingit is not unreasonable to assume that this creature was in his time Númenor. It is possible that in the rings of power, In this season or next, we can see the origin of the most fearsome of the allies of the Dark Lord.
Nothing is known about the rest of the ghosts, neither their origin nor their name, something that The Rings of Power will want to take advantage of and give these beings an origin. The video game of The Lord of the Rings: Shadow of War, The origin story of some of these lords has been invented, being important figures within the Earth Average AS Iron Hand Helmor himself shut up. The Lord of the Ringsrole playing Middle Earththe name of eight gods Nazgulbut none can be considered “canonical”.
The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power is available on Amazon Prime Video.