The new Suicide Squad will be led by Nia Nall/Dreamer in the new ranks of the squad.

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Nicole Maines, who played the character in the Supergirl series, has added her character to the new Suicide Squad.

In a surprising twist, DC Comics revealed that Nia Nal, also known as Dreamer, will be the protagonist of the new Suicide Squad, “Suicide Squad: Dream Squad.” The series, expected in March 2024, is written by Nicole Maines, who played Dreamer on the CW series “Supergirl.” Artists Eddie Barrows and Eber Ferreira came together to bring this bold project to life.

A new task key for Amanda Waller

The release of “Suicide Squad: Dream Team” comes from “Titans: Beast World”. Amanda Waller has formed a new task force in her relentless pursuit of using metahumans for her cause. Dreamer is at the center of this group, which includes famous characters like Harley Quinn, Bizarro, Clock King, Black Alice. and Deadeye.

Suicide Squad

“Suicide Squad: Dream Team” issue one features the original cover created by Barrows and Ferreira, and is also available in a foil variant. In addition, artists such as Riccardo Federici, Sweeney Bu and Gleb Melnikov contribute their own alternative versions. DC has also shared a series of character designs by Barrows, which is expected to be a stunning visual for the series.

Expectations and official summary

According to the official synopsis for “Dream Team,” Amanda Waller sees metahumans as a major threat to the world’s security. A dreamer, with her ability to precognize and dreamwalk, is seen by Waller as a key element in dispelling that threat. The formation of this new Task Force X is part of Waller’s larger ambition to take complete control of the DC Universe in the Beast Wars.

Nicole Mayne expressed her excitement about working with Eddie and Eber and taking Dreamer to a different place than we’re used to. A confrontation with Amanda Waller and this new Suicide Squad forces Dreamer to decide what kind of hero she wants to be and what sacrifices she’s willing to make to save the future.

Suicide Squad

“Suicide Squad: Dream Team #1” goes on sale March 12, 2024.

Surprising additions to the Suicide Squad

The announcement of “Suicide Squad: Dream Team” has created a wave of speculation and anticipation among fans. But the real surprise is revealing new members joining Dreamer in this vibrant series. In addition to the already confirmed Harley Quinn, Bizarro, Cloak King, Black Alice and Deadeye, the team will be adding unexpected and surprising characters.

One of the most interesting is the king shark, known for its great strength and unpredictable nature. Another new member is the Ratcatcher II, whose ability to control rats provides special skills for stealth and infiltration operations. Along with them, we see Polka-Dot Man, whose character, despite his ridiculous appearance, has amazing functions of technologically advanced polka dots.

Suicide Squad

The dynamics between team members

It will be a focal point in the series, especially with such diverse characters. The inclusion of these new members in “Suicide Squad: Dream Team” is not only unpredictable and exciting, but promises to explore the depth of their individuality and how they interact under Amanda Waller’s direction.

With this mix of established characters and newcomers, “Suicide Squad: Dream Team” is shaping up to be a series that explores the limits of morality, loyalty and survival. In the year The sequel, which premieres on March 12, 2024, promises to be a whirlwind of action, drama and characters, taking Suicide Squad to new and exciting territories.