The New Gods #2 review: Darkseid is… a baby again?!

A New Gods teaser

The New Gods #2 continues to tell the final chapter of the Fourth World epic, originally created by Jack Kirby. THE DC while the core series is expected to rule the DC Universe for the next few years. The new gods is written by Ram V, with art by Evan Cagle and guest artist Jesse Lonergan on the first four pages. Korok Ator is introduced as a new antagonist, a self-proclaimed scavenger who finds himself at the head of Machynoterum, a breach beyond the expanse into unknown space. Korok Ator admits he’s known by many names, described in a fluid Tolkien-esque style that pays homage to Kirby’s original inspiration.

“Karok Deathspeaker, they named him to the high gates. Karok Deen, to the hordes under his command. Karok Curseborn, to those who fled his gaze to tell tales.”

Ator also has a parasite inside him known as Nyctosphyx, which crawls mad with bloody glee behind the left side of his altered face, and can even operate Ator like a puppet. He sends scouts across the universe only to discover that they are infested with “Source-born” who call themselves Gods. Ator vows to kill every single one of them as Highfather sees a vision of the coming disaster Ator will bring to the Fourth World. New Genesis will collapse and Apokolips will thunder on its war drums while a disembodied narrator says to pray to Highfather, even though the fall is inevitable, for even gods can be blessed with a miracle.


“I want the toys no one else plays with” – Ram V and Evan Cagle on Return of the New Gods

After seemingly being sidelined for years, the New Gods are making a comeback in the DC Universe, and CBR talks about it with Ram V and Evan Cagle.

Children of the gods

Meet a new generation of new gods

Mister Miracle, aka Scott Free, writes a farewell letter to his wife, Barda. It reminds her of her youth, imprisoned on Apokolips in a series of tortuous traps, always escaping from one to the other, with Barda as the promise of freedom on the other side.

Their daughter Olivia, Liv Free, is that manifest promise.

In the previous issue, Scott’s brother Orion shared that Highfather tasked him with killing a child on Earth who displays new godly powers, but Orion asked Scott to find the child first and take him away. hide. Because Orion has a duty to complete his task, Scott is a week early, but he has already delayed the mission by three days.

Scott couldn’t bring himself to tell Barda that he had to temporarily leave their family to help another child. As he slips away for the mission, Barda is already outside, in costume, with baby in hand. She blames her husband for thinking he should do something stupid like leave his family just because Orion showed up out of nowhere. After explaining the situation, Barda is quickly ready to join the adventure but puts Mister Miracle on diaper duty forever for daring to leave her behind. They decide to search for Oberon, an old family friend and assistant to the first Mister Miracle, a traveling escape artist named Thaddeus Brown.


DC’s New Gods Reveals What Cosmic Threat Comes After Darkseid’s Death

The DC Universe faces a threat even worse than Darkseid, and no one knows what to expect when it arrives.

Elsewhere in India, the child sought by Orion and Miracle is hidden in a hotel. Beautifully textured panels illustrate the crowded nature of the city in stark contrast to the splendor of New Genesis. The child sleeps while battling a fever and his parents talk about their situation. Much like Jonathan and Martha Kent, the couple found the child and adopted him as their own. The child was abandoned as a baby at the foot of a temple, and having just lost their own child, the parents took this as a sign from the gods. Although they don’t understand what kind of power the child wields, they know that he used it to save them from the soldiers who were chasing them.

The Lord our God is faithful

Maxwell Lord returns with a new mandate

The soldiers turn out to be infantrymen of Maxwell Lord, the former leader of the Justice League International become super-villain behind The OMAC projectwhat should be a fascinating reunion with Mister Miracle, who was also on the Lord version of the Justice League.

Maxwell Lord’s facial expressions are also reminiscent of the style of artist Kevin Maguire of the JLI series.

The Lord believes that it is human nature to find more godly and divine things and drag them away until there is nothing left. Serifan, a young member of the Forever People, agrees that humans are no better than insects, always trying to claw their way to the top. Maxwell Lord was suffering from a coma until a month ago, when he awoke with a new divine purpose.

He and his team reviewed security camera footage of the moment he regained consciousness to see a dark figure granting power and purpose to Lord to find the empowered child. The figure marks Lord’s forehead with an Omega symbol, usually associated with Darkseid and Apokolips, although Serifan recognizes it as the work of Metron. Although to be fair, the kid’s costume that appeared alongside his burst of powers in the previous issue looked similar to Metron’s design with a reversed color scheme.


How to start reading Jack Kirby’s Fourth World saga

While some fans believe that Jack Kirby’s Fourth World saga should be read in a specific order, there are many paths to take when exploring the New Gods.

Metron is currently on Apokolips where he is courting the favor of Desaad, Darkseid’s former advisor, until his master dies in the pages of the DC all special. Apokolips suffers civil war as Mantis declares himself overlord and raises the insects against the Parademons. Desaad states that Metron’s arrival worries him the most, especially now that Metron considers Desaad a friend. He explains the Earth Child and how the boy’s powers appeared at the same time as Darkseid’s disappearance, leading them to believe that the Child might be the reincarnation of Darkseid, especially since Highfather asked Orion to kill the child.

Darkseid is… a baby again?!

It wouldn’t be the first time Darkseid was reincarnated

Batman holding baby Darkseid from Dark Nights: Metal

The Dark Side Club comes from Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle and I saw the New Gods take avatars on Earth. This wouldn’t be Darkseid’s first time as a child either. Upon his death in the pages of Justice League: The War Against DarkseidDarkseid’s soul took the newborn body of Earth-3’s Superwoman and Alexander Luthor, Jr., who wielded the power of Mazahs.

Batman weaponized baby Darkseid to conjure a portal to the Dark Multiverse during Dark nights: metalalthough Grail, Darkseid’s daughter, brought her father back to adulthood rather quickly.

Desaad, who here looks straight out of the original Kirby books with his swirly, greasy hair, hopes his dark master still lives on in the Earth child’s mind. However, readers of DC all special are fully aware that Darkseid has left the universe to reside in and exert full influence over the Absolute universe.

Desaad wants Granny Goodness to call the Female Furies and thinks that maybe Kanto can buy some time against the Mantis Army, but Metron states that Apokolips is already doomed. He looks to the sky to see the end coming with an eclipse, and out of the darkness, Korok Ator’s Nyctari army arrives to lay siege to Apokolips.


The Best New Gods Characters, Ranked

From Highfather to Big Barda, these are the best New Gods characters in DC Comics history.

The new gods strikes a wonderful balance between Tolkien’s moments of deep poetic description and the more grounded, comedic superhero storytelling involving Mister Miracle and Big Barda. There are so many branches of established lore to explore in the Fourth World saga, and Ram V shows interest in discovering them all at once. Everyone has a favorite character in New Gods, so it makes perfect sense to include a moment for them all to shine.

Each issue seems to devote equal time to New Genesis, Apokolips, Earth, and even India, as more of the mystery behind the child is revealed. The new gods proves to be a very engaging read in a can’t-miss book regarding the future of the DC Universe, and CBR will certainly continue to review each upcoming issue.

The Justice League, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter, pose together on Justice League of America Vol. 1 x comic book cover.

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