The leader’s appearance in Captain America 4 has been refined.


First look at The Leader in Captain America 4 revealed earlier

Art from Captain America: Brave New World has been shared showing what the leader looks like. Since the image doesn’t come from Marvel Studios or Disney, we can consider this post a spoiler, so if you don’t want to spoil the potential surprise, you should stay as far away as possible since we’re sharing it.

First, look at the leader

What many fans are hoping to see more of in Captain America 4 is Harrison Ford as the Red Hulk and Tim Blake Nelson playing Samuel Sterns, also known as the Leader. Marvel has been keeping Ford’s Red Hulk appearance a secret for as long as possible, but Nelson’s case is different, as he’s already starting a movie at the helm of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unfortunately, due to the delays the film has faced, none of the production has been seen yet. However, CanWeGetSomeToast has shared a first look at the Hulk’s legendary foe.

Although we can’t know how successful the representation of the villain in the MCU is with this art alone, the truth is that the first impression is good. Let’s hope it’s worth waiting several years to see the return of this character.

Captain America 4 hits theaters on February 14, 2025.