The history of the centuries of comics, with superheroes or not, is a questionable theme, but when canonizing, the new art neophytes do not know how they begin in the wonderful world of comics
Him Nina ArteToday to mMaduro published and base to tell any type of storyBoth real and fiction, but its evolution has marked different phases or ages. In this way, the canonical guide to the history of the centuries of comics, with small differences between some authors.
The story of Comic age Would be divided into CincoWhat would it be: Gold (1939-1956), Platform (1956-1970), bronze (1970-1984), Dark (1984-1998) y modern (since 1998), as authors of the stature of Vilches or Levitz.
This classification From the history of the centuries of the comic, as previously indicated, It is not accepted by all scholars On the subject, therefore for the end of the bronze age there are proposals of four different dates and, for others, the dark age would be part of the modern age.

AS First antecedent of the superhero genre, based on an amalgam of myths and legends, we must mention Superman From Jerry Siegel y Joe Shusterwho has had an indisputable success since its launch 1938Oo Hugo Hercules, starting the call Golden age or golden age of the comic.
Another hero, even if without super powers -, Batmanwho appeared for the first time at number 27 of the investigative comic books in May 1939, was created by Bob Kane y Bill Fingerwho were readers eager for the Soap work pulp:
“Bob Kane and Bill Finger were devoted pulp readers, so their character will be based on others existing such as the shadow or the ghost -they are known in Spain as a masked man, and also in the fox of Johnston McCulley.” Vilches
After the Second World War, the superhero genre decreased except collections such as Batman or Superman. His hole was covered Crime and horror collectionsStories of no more than twelve pages, published by publishers in magazines with many of them, based on real events or with realistic claims.
The appearance of the book of Freddic ValThe seduction of the innocent, in 1954 He gave wings to critics against comics, closing the golden age of comics because the attitude of the publishers contributed to Wertham’s exaggerated writings to achieve their goal.
In the Senate, the public who took place did not consider the relationship between comics and crime shown, but the editors were made the recommendation, for the good of the country and their youth, which regulated the content of their publications. From this event, the Silver age of the comic.

The same editors accepted self -censorshipTo guarantee young people and the Authority of the Code of Comics To adjust the vehicle, be in force until s. XXI. There was a basic premise in this self -censorship and that is that The crime could never win and criminals would always be punished.
When in fact prohibits reality, the editors have returned to resume superheroes, creating new characters and new editorials that occur as Wonderwith new ideas and characters like Spiderman, The Four Fantastic and its universe related between the different publications.
The beginning of the Bronze age In the history of the comic agents began in the seventies of the twentieth century, taking on a Editorial change product of the evolution of comic book readersBeing many of them already adults and, therefore, a group of new screenwriters began to create deeper stories, considering the limits of the genre of the time under the supervision of the authority of the comic code code.

These screenwriters dared to face delicate themesAs death, disease, racism, political corruption, war and drugs of Vietnam. The positive welcome that these frames had brought to the censorship agency to make its rules more flexible and authorize, from that moment on, as stated Vilchesthe inclusion of drugs in the comics, provided that it had an educational purpose.
At that moment Spiderman had to fight drug traffickers who devastated the neighborhoods of New Yorkas well Green arrow y Green lantern in the United States Falcon or Black pantherThey also started emerging right now.

THE Dark agein the middle of the Decade of the eighties From the last century, it has occurred following all the existing political disputes at the end of the Cold War among the blocks, western and Soviets, as well as the different opposite values within the companies of both blocks.
Finally a late nineties of the twentieth century, the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new stage in the history of the comic agents before the end of the millennium, the beginning of the Modern age.
“The 21st century superhero responds both to the moral challenges suffered by the western population after 11 September and to the inscuencies of said culture to restore the wounds and dissipate the fears generated by an aggravated situation of multiple crisis” Ferré.

The emergence of this was influenced by the attacks of the 11 September 2001Fact that Marvel would reflect without hesitation through one of his most iconic characters: SpidermanThat in the pages he has to face the fact that the twin towers were demolished and neither he nor the superhero community did nothing.
They also influenced, without doubt, the economic and financial crises produced at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, therefore, the superhero of this phase is more mature and dark.