The next Harry Potter series, which will arrive in 2026 thanks to HBO, has a clear mission: to go beyond what the films have achieved, especially with the villains

A past we have never seen
In the films the relationship between Quirrell and Voldemort is treated superficially. We know that they met in Albania and that Voldemort took advantage of them ambition and weakness. But what exactly happened in that meeting? The series could recreate that moment, showing how the young professor went from being a brilliant academic to becoming a puppet of the darkest wizard of all time.
HBO has the opportunity to delve deeper into this journey, revealing how Voldemort manipulates his followers and showing the psychological and physical toll of this toxic relationship. Flashback The strategic moves could gradually reveal Raptor’s motivations, without spoiling the big reveal at the end of the season. This would not only flesh out the character, but also add an emotional dimension to his downfall.
The key to maintaining mystery
While digging into Raptor’s past would be exciting, It is essential that the series preserves the mystery surrounding it until the end of the season. In The Philosopher’s Stonethe moment when Raptor is revealed to be the main villain is one of the most shocking. If the series reveals its dark secrets too soon, it could lose that magic.
One solution could be to use glimpses of your pastalternating his life at Hogwarts with meeting Voldemort, without fully revealing the bond between the two until the right moment. This would not only keep new viewers intrigued, but also offer something new for longtime fans.

Explore immortality and dark magic
The expansion of Quirrell’s story not only enriches his character, but also allows us to explore key themes from the universe Harry Potterlike Voldemort’s obsession with immortality. Showing how Raptor dealt with dark magic in Albania could be one way to do this highlight the dangers of crossing certain magical lines.
Additionally, the series could include details that connect Quirrell’s story to future events in the saga, such as horcruxes and Voldemort’s influence on his followers. This approach would not only deepen the series’ lore, but also provide a more coherent narrative across the seasons.
The challenge of reinventing Raptor
Ian Hart made a convincing Raptor in the original film, but the remake has the opportunity to go further. According to Rowling, Quirrell was a “brilliant but fragile boy” who fell from grace in the face of something much greater than himself. This leaves room to reinterpret his character, adding layers of vulnerability and ambition that make him more human and tragic.
The challenge, however, lies in balancing this emotional depth with the magical and captivating tone that characterizes it Harry Potter. The series needs to maintain the essence of the character while expanding on it, ensuring that his story feels natural in the world of Hogwarts.
A new generation of magic
The remake of Harry Potter It not only seeks to capture the attention of longtime fans, but also to attract new audiences. While most viewers already know the basic plot, HBO may surprise us with narrative twists or unique approaches that add new perspectives on familiar stories.
Raptor is just one example of how the series format could transform even secondary characters into key figures. If handled carefully, her story could be one of the highlights of the first season, leaving a lasting impression on fans new and old alike.

A villain who could redefine the series
Exploring Raptor’s story is an opportunity for the remake to differentiate itself from the films, offering a more complete and enriching experience. In doing so, the series not only pays homage to the source material, but also elevates it, proving that even the smallest characters have big stories to tell.
With the right approach, Raptor could go from a forgettable villain to a complex and fascinating figure who embodies the saga’s darker, more human themes. And that, without a doubt, is something fans will be eager to see.