The Fantastic Four may arrive in the MCU without telling their origins.

Los 4 Fantásticos - Mila Kunis - UCM - Universo Marvel - Sue Storm

The MCU’s most anticipated family, the Fantastic Four, is about to arrive in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but after being introduced by Doctor Strange, how will we ever officially see it?

When we think of the Fantastic Four, images of space adventures and scientific experiments come to mind. But what if I told you that your next stop could be none other than the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)? Imagine a narrative in the 70s that introduced us to the Fantastic Four for the first time, without having to go back to the usual origin story that now serves as a key to introducing these heroes to the MCU.

The story in question is Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #161-163, a masterpiece by Roy Thomas and Rich Buckler, released in 1975. In it, our heroes have a parallel reality in a time of crisis. But here’s the irony: that reality is being threatened not by their own land, but by an alternative version. Not only is this an interesting plot twist, but it also shows the importance of retelling how the Fantastic Four came to be.

Fantastic Four: The Prequel to the Marvel Multiverse

These comics aren’t just entertainment, they’re also a milestone: they marked one of the first forays into the multiverse, a concept now essential in the comics pages and on the big screen. This adventure, the one before he left…? #1 in the year In 1976, he planted the seeds for a multiverse that would become a central element in Marvel stories.

Adapting this story for the MCU not only honors the team’s beginnings, but also opens up new narrative possibilities. Imagine a fantastic four parallel dimension defending against the threat of an alternate Earth. This approach can follow them into the trap of the MCU, finally showing that the films we love have reached reality.

Fantastic four

Reed Richards’ “Alien” Cameo: Bridge to the MCU

Reed Richards’ appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is more than just a cameo. It represents the perfect opportunity to integrate the Fantastic Four into the MCU. Not only does this adaptation give them a bigger place in the cinematic universe, but it also explains their absence until now without having to recreate their origin story.

Known as the “First Family,” the Fantastic Four deserve an MCU entry that lives up to their legacy. Through this story, we can see them not only as superheroes but also as explorers of unknown realities on the big screen ready to solve the mysteries of biodiversity. With this adaptation, we not only pay homage to their rich history, but also open an exciting new chapter for the Fantastic Four in the MCU.

Fantastic Four, Marvel Studios, MCU

The Fantastic Four and their cast: a journey from cartoons to the big screen

The history of the Fantastic Four is one of innovation and adventure, and their journey into the MCU represents a pivotal moment for both fans and the narrative of superhero cinema. The key to the success of this transition is not only faithfulness to the main stories, but also in the choice of cast. The representation of these iconic characters requires a balance between respect for the legacy of generations and a new interpretation suitable for modern audiences.

John Krasinski, previously seen as Reed Richards in the MCU, proved to be a wise choice as he takes on the charismatic leader and scientist. Speculation is rife as to who will play the other members of the team, especially the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and The Thing. These casting choices not only define the dynamic of the on-screen team, but also how these characters fit into the wider Marvel Universe.

The addition of the Fantastic Four to the MCU is not only a cinematic event, but also a fantastic moment that connects decades of comics with the new era of superhero movies. With a strong cast and a story that captures the essence of the team, the Fantastic Four shine in the MCU, delivering new adventures and undoubtedly leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of fans.