The curious relationship between 2 characters created by Jim Starlin

Jim Starlin

Find out what two characters from Jim Starlin They were relatives.

While many comic characters are created with the idea of ​​becoming iconic figures of the editorial in question, whose adventures should attract readers to the nearest outlets, there are others who do not have a more important role that contributes a little of humor to the cartoon in which they appear, although, on certain occasions, these documents remain small and need to expand their horizons, as shown in the following paragraphs of this article, for what we need to talk about an important creator of superheroes, both in the script and in the its graphic part.

With what was mentioned in the previous paragraph, we could not refer to another that was not Jim StarlinAmerican screenwriter and cartoonist who was responsible for creating some unforgettable comic characters and creating unbeatable phases of others.

So, in A.Dhe was responsible for the script of the saga Batman: A Death in the Family (1988 – 1989), while, in The house of ideashe worked with a multitude of iconic figures, among which we can highlight Thanosal Captain Marvel original, a The AvengersA Silver Wake OA Dreadstarcharacter who opened the seal Epic From The house of ideaswhich allowed the authors to preserve the rights of the characters belonging to said line of Wonderas we will discuss later.

In 1975, Jim Starlin created a very peculiar character, known as the name of Pip, the trollas can be seen in the adventure Ship of Death!published in Strange tales nº 79where the being who appears in the image below this paragraph, worked as comic relief to the protagonist Adam Warlockalthough, in reality, he is a prince of the royal family of Laxidatia who has the power to teleport into space.

Jim Starlin, Pip, Skeevo

The truth is that Jim Starlinwho felt devotion to the work of Jack Kirby And he would have liked to be able to collaborate with him, he came to recognize that he had taken inspiration from said cartoonist for the creation of Pip, the trollas expressed in the following terms:

I conceived it with him in mind, although I don’t want to imply that Jack or not degenerate as PIP It would end. This trait of the troll was not controlled.

To whom Jim Starlin It was reported that both were little, had a lot of madness and liked to smoke pure. However, as usual, PIP It went from being a humorous element to picking up your own identity interacting with those characters Wonder They cross paths.

Your own Jim Starlin took so much love PIP Who tried to bring him online Epic Use it as an ancestor of one of the protagonists of your collection Dreadstar (whose first volume was extended from 1982 to 1986), since he did not think that this Wonder He was putting any work into this, since he was sure he had no intention of using it again.

However, PIP it had been created seven years before the line was born Epicso it makes sense Wonder did not allow Jim Starlin A character was brought to that seal whose rights did not belong to him, so the screenwriter and the cartoonist had to think of another way to include a character who took care of the comic counterpoint of the adventures of Dreadstar.

Initially, the problem seemed to solve the creation of Delaywhose feline appearance and ingenious phrases are perfectly suited to what Jim Starlin I was looking. However, just as it had happened with PIPthis character was evolving to become something that was anything but the original idea.

Finally, the issue was resolved with the creation of the grid Skeevo phlatuswhich saw the light for the first time in the adventure Willow’s storypublished in Dreadstar nº 2 (1982), on which Jim Starlin he decided he would be a distant cousin of PIPdespite having a different skin color, although, belonging to different lines, their paths will never cross the pages of comics.

Jim Starlin, Pip, SkeevoJim Starlin, Pip, Skeevo

Although neither of them are among the most famous characters of Wonderthe truth is that PIP He managed to make the leap to the big screen in the scene that appears in the middle of the film’s final credits Ethernets (2021), in which he plays Patton Oswaltas shown in the image below this paragraph, while Skeevo He hasn’t been able to move beyond the pages of the comics yet, since he hasn’t heard anything about the movie he intended to make Dreadstar.

Jim Starlin, Pip, SkeevoJim Starlin, Pip, Skeevo