The best Picard episodes of the new generation have a hidden connection that most Star Trek fans have missed

Star Trek: TNG Episode encounter at Farpoint with always picard and q with tro in the background

Star Trek: The next generationn marked a glorious return of Star Trek franchise in 1987 and quickly became rival The original series In the hearts of fans. New impressive stories and an incredible cast of characters helped the series following differentiating from her predecessor while honoring what made her great. A large part of the success of the show can be attributed to the performance of Patrick Stewart and the greatness of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Although much different from James T. Kirk, Picard has become an emblematic leader in the company thanks to its philosophical approach and its incorruptible commitment to its ideals.

Pure and hard fans continue to argue to find out who was the best captain of the decades later, and the head of the Enterprise-D certainly wins many votes. Ironically, a lot of The next generation The best episodes did not present Picard acting in the traditional role of a spacecraft. Instead, Captain Picard’s greatest moments stage him in trials and courts, acting as a lawyer and defending his friends and principles.

Star Trek: The new generation opens with humanity to the test

Star Trek: TNG Episode encounter at Farpoint with always picard and q with tro in the background
Image via paramount

  • While Star Trek: The next generation Presented some of the best episodes of the audience room, that did not launch the trend in the franchise.

  • Star Trek: the original series There have been several episodes involving trials, including “Court Martial” and “Turnabout Turnaround”.
  • Deep space 9,, TravelerAnd Business All continued the trend with their own test episodes.

Star Trek: The next generation started to throw Jean-Luc Picard in justice from the pilot episode of the series. In “Meeting in Farpoint”, the Enterprise experiences its first meeting with the continuum Q during its inaugural trip. On the way to the Farpoint station to establish relations with the Bandi people, a mysterious being identifying themselves as Q blocks the path of the Enterprise, goes on board and accuses humanity of being an irreparably wild species. Carrying Picard and several other crew members in a strange courtroom of a dark period of the past of humanity and, acting as a judge, which forces the captain to defend the human race and justify his exploration of Galaxy.

Unable to deny the shameful and violent past of humanity, Picard has intelligently argued that Q should judge humans according to their evolution and their progress, suggesting that he and his team serve as an example. The rest of the introduction into two parts of the series saw the enterprise work to discover the mystery of Farpoint Station, save an imprisoned extraterrestrial creature and prove, at least temporarily, that humanity has changed. While the first season of Tng is generally considered one of the worst, this opening episode remains presented many good times and set the tone of the showlargely thanks to Picard’s interactions with Q and his appearance before the court.


34 years later, Star Trek has still not exceeded this absolutely perfect 33 -year -old TNG episode

“DARMOK” by Next Generation captures the essence of Star Trek by delivering a captivating story which constitutes an allegory of the problems of the real world.

“Encounter at Farpoint” actually presented the characters and established the relationship between Picard and Q, which will become a recurring and appreciated element of the series. The contradictory, but always respectful dynamic, between the two men was perfectly summarized by plunging them into a legal conflict with each other. Indeed, it was such a moment that seven seasons later, Tng ended with a return to the same trial, with the revelation that the evaluation of humanity by q had never stopped. The series ended with Picard finally succeeding in his efforts to buy his species in the eyes of Q and learning some lessons on friendship along the way.

The fact that the whole program ended with a trial, with Picard as a defense lawyer, testifies to the power of imagery. These two episodes are not the only cases where the captain finds himself in such a situation. Throughout the series, Many of Jean-Luc’s best moments took place in other audience roomsBy trying other important cases.

Jean-Luc Picard’s best moments put him in a courtroom

  • “The measurement of a man” regularly draws up lists of the best Star Trek episodes of all time.

  • A first criticism of Star Trek: Picard It is that it has undermined the success of the captain in the episode.

  • The fact that Androids seem to be treated as slaves Picardy Indicates that the legal previous legal he established by defending Commander Data was then canceled.

From the second season, some Star Trek: The new generation The best episodes, many of which are often among the greatest in the history of the franchise, featured Picard acting as a lawyer. “The measurement of a man” saw him intervene to defend Commander Data and establish his fundamental rights as a sensitive being in court. The following season, in “A Matter of Perspective”, Picard used recreation on the Holodeck to defend Will Riker against accusations of murder. The following season, he was forced to defend himself against the accusations of Admiral Satie, too zealous and paranoid, in “The Drumhead”. These episodes, although among the best, were far from being the only examples of this trend.

Many of these episodes have stood out by the competence with which they examined social, philosophical and political questions through the prism of science fiction. What Star Trek Always excelled, they raised modern debates and examined them through clever metaphors. Data’s legal status evokes the tragic history of humanity with slavery and the way in which certain people can quickly lose their rights in society. “The Drumhead” dealt with MCCARthyism and the danger of letting fear lead to an erosion of civil freedoms. Riker’s trial in “A Matter of Perspective” paid tribute to RoshomonAnd revealed to what extent human perception is remarkably subjective and fallible. Each episode spoke of something deeper, using a trial as a means of presenting competing points of view.


This underestimated star trek: the new generation season is actually the best in the series

Although there are many big seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the last outing of the crew of the USS Enterprise-D could be the best in the series.

These kinds of episodes were also exceptional because they gave Patrick Stewart a chance to shine. Captain Picard is an emblematic character and Stewart gave him life with a powerful performance which communicates a mixture of stoicism, professionalism and compassion. All these elements of the portrait of Stewart were visible when he was able to give a moving speech in the courtroom. Some of the greatest monologues of Picard occurred while he made a final statement and finished his file. Even in cases where an episode of test was played to laugh, as in “Devil’s due”, in which Picard tried to convince a planet that she had not concluded a “literal agreement with the devil”, Picard obtained obtained Many interesting replicas and has worked well. From the “hetero man” to a more ridiculous character.

Of course, these kinds of episodes also worked very well in Star Trek: The next generation Because, at the base, they helped highlight the broader themes of the franchise. Star Trek has always conveyed a central message on humanity and the futureAnd problem solving through legal proceedings was a notable part.

The test episodes reflect the classic values ​​of Star Trek

  • While tests in Star Trek are often convincing and thematically appropriate, it has been noted that they are not realistic in view of modern legal standards.

  • Many trials in Star Trek It seems to be lacking in clear rules concerning the presentation of evidence or the type of testimony that can be authorized.

  • It is also unusual that Picard, who has no training or approval as a lawyer, is so regularly a lawyer in major cases.

From the start of Star Trek: the original seriesThe creator Gene Roddenberry sought to transmit a feeling of optimism and hope for the future of our species. The world of Star Trek is a society in which the world has finally set aside its former prejudices and conflicts to unite in a fairer society. At the limit of utopia, Starfleet and the Federation represent the best of humanity and the idea that our world can really improve thanks to self-examination and hard work.

An important part of this utopia lies in the rejection of violence and the commitment to a peaceful resolution of conflicts. While war sometimes arrives Stark trekWith battles against the Klingons, the Romulians and others who occur quite regularly, the Federation is still working on diplomatic solutions. In addition, within the federation, violence is never considered an acceptable response to conflicts. Instead, the debate, marked by rational argument, empathy and open -mindedness, reigns supreme.


Star Trek The new generation: When is TNG good?

Star Trek: The new generation has overcome a appalling first season to become one of the best science fiction shows on television, but what has changed to make it happen?

The trials, with their basis on established rules, peaceful discussions and mutual acceptance of the result, illustrate the philosophy of Star Trek. When Picard enters a courtroom and acts as a lawyer, he reaffirms his belief in the values ​​of the Federation. Picard’s test episodes are excellent, not only because they present Patrick Stewart to his best or because they have fun individual intrigues. They touch the very heart of Star Trek And reminds fans why the series is so incredible.


Star Trek: The next generation

Release date

1987 – 1993




Roddenberry gene


Cliff Bole, Landau, Winrich Kolbe, Rob Bowman, Robert Scheerer, Jonathan Frakes, Robert Wiemer, Gabrielle Beaumont, Alexander Singer, David Carson, Paul Lynch, Corey Allen, Patrick Stewart, Chip Chalmers, Joseph L. Scanlan, James L. Conway, Robert Lederman, Tom Benko, Timothy Bond, Robert Legato, Adam Nimoy, Robert Becker, David Livingston, Levar Burton


René Echevarria, Maurice Hurley, Richard Manning, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Tracy Tormé, Hannah Louise Shearer, Stuart Charno, Ira Steven Behr, Sara B. Cooper, Peter Allan Fields, Herbert Wright, Frank Abatemarco, Burton Armus, Hilary Bader, Gendel, David Kemper, Michael I. Wagner, Philip Lazebnik, Robert McCullough, Susan Sackett, Nick Sagan, Fred Bronson, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, Sam Rolfe


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    Patrick Stewart

    Jean-Luc Picard

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    Amanda McBroom

    Commander William T. RIKER

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